MediFee Healthcare

Blood Cancer – Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Human blood comprises of four essential components – plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets.

All RBCs, platelets and most of the WBCs are generated in the Bone Marrow; which is present as soft tissues, deep inside bones. Two essential types of white blood cells – T cells and B Cells, that are together known as lymphocytes are also produced and then mature in the lymph nodes as well. Plasma, on the other hand constitutes 55% of total blood volume and holds all blood cells in suspension.

Both the bone marrow and lymph nodes form primary and secondary organs of lymphatic system respectively. Lymphatic system is again an essential part of the circulatory system.

Any cancerous growth affecting blood, bone marrow or the lymphatic system is termed as blood cancer. Depending on the type of cells/tissues they attack, blood cancers have been categorized into different types; that have been discussed in the following section.

Different types of Blood Cancer:

There are three different types of Blood Cancers that may further have different variations. However, on a broader aspect, the three different types of blood cancers are:


Leukemia is a condition where abnormal blood cells; mostly white blood cells are produced in large numbers within the bone marrow. These abnormal or immature cells are known as blasts.

Normally, white blood cells are produced by the body to fight back infection. However, leukemia cells or blasts do not function as normal white blood cells and keep growing uncontrollably; even when not required. Finally, a point is reached where leukemia cells exceed normal blood cell count and the body is no longer capable of fighting infections or diseases.

When leukemia cells divide rapidly and aggressively, the condition is known as acute leukemia. And when leukemia cell growth is slow and gradual, it is known as chronic leukemia.

Stem cells give rise to myeloid and lymphoid types of cells that mature into different types of blood cells and released in the blood stream. While lymphoid constitutes T cells and B cells; myeloid constitutes all other types of blood cells. Depending on the rate and the type of leukemia cells formed, Leukemia can be further classified into following categories:


Lymphoma is a type of cancer that precisely affects the white blood cells forming in the lymph nodes. It is characterized by the formation of tumorous growth in lymph nodes and lymphatic system. 

There are two types of Lymphoma – Hodgkin’s and non Hodgkin’s. Former refers to the presence of an abnormal type of B – Lymphocytes known as Reed Sternberg cells that are seen under microscope; while the later refers to affected B cells and T cells.

Multiple Myeloma:

Multiple Myeloma is a type of cancer resulting from affected plasma cells. Under normal circumstances, when a body fights infection through B cells, they develop into plasma cells that in turn generate immunoglobulin.

However, when plasma cells grow uncontrollably, they lead to tumorous development known as Plasmacytoma that affects the bones. The presence of number of Plasmacytoma is what is known as Multiple Myeloma.

Blood Cancer – Warning Signs:

Identifying early symptoms of blood cancer is vital to facilitate quick diagnosis and treatment. Blood cancers are curable if accurate and efficient treatment procedures are adopted in a timely manner. Therefore, let us learn some of the early warning signs of the three types of blood cancers:

Symptoms of Leukemia:

Symptoms of Lymphoma:

Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma:

Blood Cancer – Diagnosis

Your doctor may order one or more laboratory tests that may reveal the presence of cancerous growth in blood, bone marrow or lymphatic system. However, the very first diagnosis includes a physical exam.

Physical Exam: Early symptoms of blood cancer may call for a physical exam, where your doctor will examine you to look for symptoms such as skin rashes, swelling of hands and feet or enlarged spleen and liver etc. The doctor will also discuss other generic symptoms such as flu symptoms, excessive sweating, or dizziness experienced.

Blood Tests: A sample of your blood tested in laboratory can reveal many things about abnormal cell growth, plasma concentration etc. A blood test is also conducted to know how well treatment procedures are working. Most common type of blood test is CBC – Complete Blood Count.

Imaging Tests: CT Scan, MRI, PET are collectively known as imaging tests and prove to be very beneficial in cancer diagnosis.

Bone Marrow Sample Test: A test performed to diagnose presence of cancer cells in bone marrow. Mostly conducted for leukemia.

Urine Tests: A test where a sample of your urine is tested to detect how far the cancerous cells have spread. Mostly conducted for Multiple Myeloma.

Lumbar Puncture Test: It is also known as Spinal Tap test. A procedure that examines Cerebrospinal Fluid surrounding brain and spinal cord to detect the presence of cancer cells in blood.

Blood Cancer Stages:

Diagnosis of cancer reveals the stage at which the cancerous cells are. Identification of accurate cancer stage is important to implement efficient treatment procedures, so as to limit the cases of fatality due to blood cancer. This section will help you understand various cancer stages briefly.

Staging is a report that is generated to learn the intensity of cancerous growth. Cancer staging has four important levels. Depending on these levels, treatment procedures are adopted. 

Stage 0 – Cancerous cells that do not spread beyond the area where they develop. Tumors are formed in these areas that are not harmful.

Stage 1 – Cancerous cells slowly grow beyond the tissues where they first develop. This extension of cancer cells indicate that they are life threatening. This stage is known as localized cancer.

Stage 2 and 3 – Cancerous cells now invade the lymph nodes of the lymphatic system, thus weakening the body’s immune system to a great extent. This stage is also known as regional spread.

Stage 4 – Cancerous cells spread to different parts of the body and is a fatal condition. This stage is also known as distant spread.

Is blood Cancer Curable – Blood Cancer Treatment Procedures:

Blood Cancer treatment involves three conventional methods; namely – Stem Cell Transplantation, Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.

Stem Cell Transplantation:

Stem cell transplants were earlier known as the Bone Marrow Transplants as the cells were collected from the bone marrow. However, today stem cells are collected from the blood and therefore the word bone marrow is no longer being used.

The process involves introduction of healthy stem cells into the body that could generate normal blood cells. You could either be inserted with your own stem cells after laboratory processing or stem cells from a donor.


Chemotherapy is the use of drugs that destroy cancerous cells and inhibits them from growing any further. However, as the process destroys unhealthy cells, it leaves your healthy cells at risk. Your doctor opts for chemotherapy only after determining the type of cancer you have. 

Chemotherapies are never administered at one go. The doctors break the entire treatment procedure into number of sessions and alternate breaks. Visiting doctors during breaks is important to determine side effects that call for drug changes.

To reduce the aftermaths of chemotherapies, a new version of therapy known as Target therapy has been adopted. In this method, the drugs used, remain specific to a particular function of cell and do not interfere with other neighboring parts. These aim at reducing the size of cancer and not on eliminating them completely.

Radiation Therapy:

Radiation Therapy aims at treating blood cancers through high energy waves. They too have side effects; however, they are not permanent and can be controlled. Post therapy symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea or vomiting are not alarming and can be brought under control if reported to the doctor immediately.

How cancers are caused and can they be prevented?

Cancer although has taken a rough toll on mankind for years now; is definitely preventable and that too with simple changes in our diet and lifestyle.

Every cell in body has a nucleus containing chromosomes made up of DNA. This DNA tells cells when and how to divide and multiply. However, any faulty DNA functioning results in unwanted cell divisions known as mutation, that result in the formation of tumors leading to cancer.

So these changes at the cell level are not simply brought about without triggers. Apart from genes, there are various factors that may lead to cancerous cell development. Abstaining from those activities can help to prevent blood cancer:

Couple of years back, a report ranked India at the lowest of all cancer survival rates across the globe. However, things have changed, and today Indian Medical System is well equipped to fight any form of cancer; including blood cancers.

However, our health and prosperity ultimately lies in our own hands. Only when we are capable of doing our part appropriately, these deadly diseases can be fought and eliminated completely. The above mentioned symptoms need to be sufficient in identifying underlying chances of blood cancer. Be alert and know your symptoms, so that proper diagnosis and treatment can be administered at an early stage.