MediFee Healthcare

Easy Tips for More Healthy Lungs and Lung Cancer

Young Lungs are Deprived of Quality Air in India

46%, 63%, or 96% – which class do you fit in when it comes to “not” turning off your vehicle engine out of luxury or laziness?

This is the latest statistic by CLAIM i.e. Clean Air India Movement’s Citizens’ Awareness and Attitude Survey which also indicated that a mere 15%, 24%, 27%, and 9% citizens in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Kolkata believe that they also as individuals account for the present level of air pollution. Whereas, a majority of citizens have the opinion that they don’t have much to do about it, and it is the sole responsibility of the ruling government to purify the city air.

Here’s another shocking statistic to add, which shows what opinion people have about the connection between vehicle usage and pollution:

Are we so careless about the rising air pollution poisoning our children’s lungs? Is ignorance an excuse for 35% ‘poor lung health’ for school-going children in India? It’s time we paint some serious steps for the demolishing of bad air quality in our individual cities and make our nation a “breathe freely” land.

Lung Health Screening Test (LHST) of the report titled Breathe Blue’15 surveyed 19% Delhi-based students to have tagged with “bad” lung capacity while 21% with “poor” lung capacity. This surveyed a total of 40% students to be under the risk of having weak, disease prone lungs.

Threat to the Lungs of 50% Indian Cops Too…

Dr. Muktesh Chander, IPS and Special Commissioner (Traffic) Delhi Police, said “Our men brave the worst adversities of pollution besides the highest degree of stress and long hours of duty. While we do have regular tests and mechanisms to ensure their health is monitored, initiatives like these also help to sensitize them to address chest and lung problems.

“Other than this, we also encourage our men to undergo regular yoga and meditation sessions to keep them fitter and happier. Masks are also provided to them, but these are not fully effective against gases.”

World Asthma and Allergy awareness camp revealed a shocking 50% traffic policemen being in the peril of decreased lung functioning capacity. Screened personnel showed symptoms which are likely to get prone to allergies and infections leading to grave diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Tips to Save Your Lungs

After studying those numbers, you might have become horror-struck by now. Nobody would want to put his lungs, and his life at risk. According to certified specialist in cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy Jennifer M. Ryan, PT, MS, DPT, CCS, “Lungs at rest and during most daily activities are only at 50% of their capacity.”

That means you need to challenge your lungs with more physical movement and activity besides your regular daily activeness. How about brisk walking for the least of 20 minutes every day?

Top 5 Queries about Lung Cancer Answered

 Lung cancer is a high risk in men and women aging above 45 years. Compared to the deaths caused by other cancer types, those caused due to lung cancer are relatively on a high mark.

Here are 5 frequently asked questions about lung cancer answered by an expert in personalized medicine and immuno-oncology in lung cancer treatment – Professor Nir Peled from Herzliya Medical Center.

1. How do you define lung cancer?

It is the uncharacteristic growth of cancerous cells in one or both lungs which create tumors, making it difficult for the lungs to function normally.

2. Does lung cancer show any signs?

It is usually unnoticeable during the early stages. However if you notice these signs, seeking an immediate medical attention is highly recommended.

3. Is there a possibility of early detection?

Yes, if you are alert of the mentioned symptoms and willing to go through a series of diagnostic procedures if you’re at high risk. The procedures should include a specialist consultation, spirometry test, CT scan, and ergometer test.

4. How is the cancer caused?

Smoking is the number cause which has accounted for around 80% of the lung cancer deaths. Hereditary and exposure to asbestos and radon gas could be other causes.

5. Could it be possibly treated?

It depends on the patient’s condition and type of lung cancer his body is fighting against. While lung cancer surgery is used to remove tumors, other methods like chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used to stop cancerous cells from growing or simply kill them.