MediFee Healthcare

Acid-Base Disorders : a Look into Balance and Imbalance

Homeostasis is a tendency of interdependent elements to attain a state of constant equilibrium. Balance is the key to maintaining healthy bodily functions. Core temperature, blood glucose, sodium and chloride levels, body pH are a few systems the living body aims to take care of constantly.

Acid Base Balance

The difference between acidity and alkalinity of the body is known as pH (potential of Hydrogen). It is calculated on a scale of 0-14, with 0 being most acidic and 14 most alkaline. Our body, functions to its optimal capacity at a pH of 7.3-7.45. This pH is essential for cells to perform their activities efficiently. Any upward or downward deviation in pH value can put the body in a state of excess alkalinity or acidity. Proteins may lose their original structure (denaturation), enzymes will not function properly and even death may occur in a few cases. Diseases mostly find their home in an acidic environment, which is why it becomes all the more important to take care of our health.


The acid-base regulation in the body is regulated by an interplay of the following mechanisms :

Buffering agents –

These are of two types, namely extracellular (bicarbonate, ammonia) & intracellular (proteins, phosphate). The bicarbonate buffer is of prime importance, since it can reversibly form carbonic acid and control the retention or release of carbon dioxide into the system.

Following the isohydric principle, where all acid-base systems stay in equilibrium with one another, homeostasis is achieved.

The respiratory system –

Respiratory System

The prime function of our lungs is to inhale oxygen and give out carbon dioxide as a waste product. Carbon dioxide (acidic), excreted via blood, reversibly forms carbonic acid by combining with H+ ions. The blood reaches the alveoli of lungs, where carbonic acid again breaks up, or dissociates into carbon dioxide and water where CO2 is excreted via the airway by exhaling. The respiration center, located in the brain is responsible for regulation of respiration. So, any abnormality detected in the acidic (CO2) levels of blood will trigger the respiration center to increase or decrease the rate of breathing to control the amount of CO2 given out. By the excretion of about 12,000-15,000 mmols/day, this system has an efficiency of 50-75%.

The renal system –

Renal System

Where the lungs excrete carbon dioxide, the kidneys are responsible for elimination of ‘fixed’ or ‘metabolic’ acids. About 70-100 mmols/day are excreted by the kidney. The reason why it is very less as compared to the lungs is because this is the only exclusive pathway involved for fixed acids. Moreover, this amount is large compared to the plasma concentration of H+ ions.

Along with this, the kidney is responsible for reabsorption of bicarbonate which is filtered (approx. 4000-5000 mmol/day) which helps in maintaining the body pH.

In simple terms we can say that the kidney maintains the acid base balance via two mechanisms :

What is Acidosis?


Acidosis can be defined as an excessive acid condition of the body fluids or tissues when the arterial pH falls below 7.35. This can be brought about either by acid accumulation or loss of alkali. Acidemia is a state of low blood pH, whereas acidosis is the process which causes acidemia.

This can lead to irreversible cell damage in extreme cases and affect the associated organs by extension, bringing about a range of signs and symptoms.

Now that we have understood the basics of acid-base regulation in our body, there are two chief pathways through which acidemia happens.


According to the cause, acidosis can be classified into –

What are the sources of acid in the body?


Most of the acid in our body comes from :

What is respiratory acidosis? How does it happen?

Respiratory Acidosis

Respiratory acidosis will happen if the lungs are unable to expel carbon dioxide from the body properly. This will cause a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood, a condition known as hypercapnia.

Respiratory acidosis is caused by –

How to tell someone has respiratory acidosis?

The presenting features of respiratory acidosis are a window to its cause. Some of its signs and symptoms are:

Metabolic acidosis:

Metabolic Acidosis

When there is a reduction in the amount of bicarbonate (HCO3-) in the blood due to production of excessive acid or when the kidneys are unable to filter out the ‘fixed’ acids, acidemia occurs and this condition is termed as metabolic acidosis.

Before we take a look at the causes of metabolic acidosis, we need to understand the ‘anion gap.’


Anion Gap

Our body is composed of many electrolytes which can be divided into anions and cations. To maintain equilibrium (0 electric charge), the number of anions and cations should be equal. The difference in the levels of cations (Na+, K+) and anions (Cl-, HCO3-) in serum, plasma or urine is known as the anion gap.

The gap is determined not by a specific diagnostic test, but by a mathematical formula that uses the results derived from other tests (which tell the concentration of a particular ion in the body).

=( [Na+] + [K+]) – ([Cl-] + [HCO3-]) = 20 mEq/L

The common ranges that are used as reference are 8-16 mEq/L and 10-20 mEq/L. These values are based on the exclusion and inclusion of potassium ion concentrations. On the basis of these values, anion gap can be classified into high, normal or low.

Anion gaps help us to determine whether the acidosis is a result of imbalance in the electrolytes or if there is any other underlying condition.

The causes of metabolic acidosis are as follows:

High anion gap causes – (>12mEq/L)

Normal anion gap causes (6-12 mEq/L) – Also known as hypochloremic acidosis

Signs and Symptoms :

Like respiratory acidosis, the metabolic variant’s presentation is a reflection of its underlying cause.

Diagnosis of acidosis :

Whether acidosis is a result of a ventilation problem or because of some serious deviation in metabolism, a diagnostic test tells you all. As soon as the cause is determined, immediate action can be taken to prevent this stage from becoming irreversible.

The approaches taken are :

Here your doctor will evaluate the presenting signs and symptoms of the disease and try to form a provisional diagnosis. For e.g. Kussmaul’s breath indicates the presence of diabetic ketoacidosis, wheezing sounds may indicate a chronic obstructive respiratory disorder and indicate respiratory acidosis.

Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) is a compulsory diagnostic aid employed to determine the pH levels of blood, its oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations from an artery. It is an indicator of how well the lungs are functioning. A low serum bicarbonate and pH less than 7.4 indicate metabolic acidosis.

Here, the total electrolytes, including the measurable and unmeasurable ones such as Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl- are calculated (anion gap) from different sources and the results are compared on an electrolyte panel to help determine the cause behind the disease. E.g. a high anion gap may point towards diabetic or lactic acidosis, whereas a normal anion gap may show hyperchloremic acidosis.

A nonspecific test, but elevated WBC levels may show the presence of an infection (septicemia), which can cause lactic acidosis. Less oxygen delivery due to severe anemia can cause lactic acidosis too.

Urine samples are analysed and examined for presence of glucose, ketone bodies, proteins (albumin). If the cause of acidosis is ethylene glycol poisoning, the analysis will reveal calcium oxalate crystals in the sample.

As explained earlier, the degree of anion gap can lead the doctor to perform specific investigations to find out the exact cause. A high anion gap is seen in diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis whereas a normal anion gap acidosis can be caused by diarrhea.

Urine anion gap is also calculated separately to rule out any defects of the kidney.

Acetoacetate, acetone and beta-hydroxybutyrate are the three main ketone bodies examined, indicative of diabetic ketoacidosis. Nitroprusside is used to detect them.

If the lactate levels exceed 4-5 mEq/L, it indicates acidemia.

Iron toxicity is related to lactic acidosis. A level exceeding 300 mg/dl is toxic. Salicylate levels in plasma beyond 40-50 mg/dl is harmful.


X-Rays of the abdominal area (ureters, kidney, bladder), CT scan of kidneys or ultrasound are helpful in detecting kidney stones. ECG may help to detect changes in the heart and circulatory system as a result of hyperkalemia.

Treatment of acidosis :

Management of acidosis is aimed at increasing the pH levels to 7.20. This is possible by treating the cause of the condition either directly or indirectly.

For respiratory acidosis, treatment employed is –

For metabolic acidosis –

What is alkalosis?


It is an excessively alkaline condition of the body, where the pH level crosses 7.45. Here the

decreased H+ ions concentration is decreased resulting in an increased bicarbonate concentration.

Classification :

What is respiratory alkalosis?

Respiratory Alkalosis

It is a condition where the blood pH levels go above the normal range (above 7.45) due to increase in respiration. The blood carbon dioxide levels dip down, causing alkalemia (blood pH above 7.45).

Respiratory alkalosis can be acute (has occurred in a short span of time) or chronic (happening over a long period of time).

Causes :

Any reason which makes a person hyperventilate (increased rate of breathing) will bring about respiratory alkalosis. Hyperventilation will cause more expulsion of carbon dioxide from the body, hence disturbing its equilibrium in the circulation. The body in its attempt to compensate will activate more of carbonic anhydrase enzyme to produce carbonic acid (H2CO3), a reversible intermediate which breaks down later to form CO2 and H2O. The extra H+ ions are utilised in this process which decreases overall free H+ ions. This decrease will make the blood more alkaline.

The reasons for respiratory alkalosis include :

Check the signs :

Metabolic Alkalosis :

Contrary to metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis represents a condition where the tissue pH goes beyond the upper limit of our pH range (>7.45). It is marked by decreased hydrogen ions concentration and an increase in the bicarbonate content (>35mEq/L).

The gastro-intestinal tract and kidneys are primarily involved in metabolic alkalosis. There are four mechanisms that contribute to metabolic alkalosis :

Causes :

The causes can be divided into two variants based on urine chloride levels –

Chloride responsive :

When a person vomits, all the gastric secretions (HCl) are lost. For every hydrogen ion lost, there is a gain of bicarbonate ion. Excess of aldosterone hormone also helps in removal of hydrogen ions, which again makes everything more alkaline.

Any chloride rich fluid in extracellular compartment, as in thiazide or loop diuretics will decrease the total fluid levels of the body and increase bicarbonate concentration. This is because, the volume of body fluids has ‘contracted’ or shrunk.

Chloride resistant :

Sodium bicarbonate when given from outside beyond the filtration capacity can induce alkalosis. Impaired kidney function also contributes to alkalosis because of its poor capacity to metabolise bicarbonate.

Excess of aldosterone hormone (Conn‘s syndrome) increases the sodium hydrogen exchange in the kidney, which makes for quicker extraction of hydrogen from the kidney.

Diagnosis of alkalosis :

Chest radiography is done to ascertain whether the cause is a pulmonary disorder or not. Pneumonia, pneumothorax, etc. are detected on chest X-rays. CT scan is used if chest X-rays are inconclusive and a more specific route is needed. Pulmonary embolism can be detected on a spiral CT.

Renal doppler ultrasound, renal angiography can detect renal artery stenosis (narrowing). CT scan of adrenal glands helps in ruling out hyperaldosteronism and Cushing’s syndrome.

Brain MRI scan can give a clue to cerebrovascular accident, brain tumors or trauma to the head.

Levels of sodium, potassium and phosphates are screened for any fluctuation in their levels. Bicarbonate is excreted by kidneys in compensation to respiratory alkalosis. A Davenport diagram helps in these cases.

With this it is possible to differentiate between actual metabolic alkalosis and metabolic compensation for respiratory acidosis. Serum anion gap is elevated more in metabolic acidosis because of increased negative charge between albumin and more production of lactate.

If the white blood cells are higher than normal, sepsis is indicated

Alkalosis – Management :

Respiratory alkalosis is usually not a life threatening disease, and control of the causative factor relieves the person of the disease. Treatment approach –

The principle behind treating metabolic alkalosis is first to treat the cause and then manage the factors that maintain the cause

Compensatory changes in acidosis and alkalosis :


Acid Base Disorder Initial Chemical Change Compensatory Response
Respiratory Acidosis PCO2  ↑HCO3-
Respiratory Alkalosis PCO2 HCO3-
Metabolic Acidosis HCO3- PCO2
Metabolic Alkalosis HCO3- PCO2


Who is at the risk of Acidosis and Alkalosis?

Certain risk groups for acidosis include –

People at risk for alkalosis –

Our body tries to maintain a constant state of equilibrium in many respects. Apart from a few causes, acid base irregularities and their consequences can be easily avoided at home. This begins with leading a healthy lifestyle and getting regularly checked by your doctor. As they say, ‘eternal vigilance is the cost of freedom (here, from diseases).’