MediFee Healthcare

Take Advantage of These 10 Healthiest Drinks – Be Healthy

After a long weekend of binge drinking with friends, a friend’s wedding or after a weekend getaway, here are the two words going through your mind: liquid diet. This trend of detoxing your body caught on a few years back. Having proved effective in providing sufficient hydration to the body, it strengthens your muscles and is much easier to execute than a regular diet with solid food.

Since we all have tried (and then some) this form of dietary nutrition, we thought of bringing you the drinks that are safe to binge on. Here’s a list of the top ten healthiest drinks in the world, and why your body can never have enough of them.
1. Water:
The first place goes to the obvious elixir. We all know how healthy and important water is to digestion and circulation. But you literally cannot drink enough water. Not only does it help in reducing weight, flushing out the toxins from your body and clearing your skin, it keeps your going better than coffee does by revitalizing your body and reducing dehydration induced stress. How much water should you be drinking? While people advice you to drink eight cups of water everyday, the intake should depend on your body weight and type. Usually around 3 liters of water is sufficient for a male and around 2.2 for females.

Drink 2-3 liters of water daily

2. Warm water with lemon/grated ginger with lemon tea:

Doctors recommend that your first drink should contain lemon. It cleanses out the liver and improves digestion for the rest of the day. So hold your coffee for a later time. A dash of honey with the warm water also helps in slimming.

Make lemon and ginger tea the first drink of your day

3. Coconut water:

Another priceless elixir and often the most underrated among liquid is third on the list. Coconut water has the richness of natural electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and phytonutrients.  Nutritionist and blogger Christine Wokowsky writes, Coconut water has the richest dietary source of cytokinins – a plant hormone that has anti-cancer, anti-aging and anti thrombotic benefits”.

Coconut water

4. Green tea:

This type of brewed tea brings you the best of everything. A perfect afternoon drink, swap your sweetened masala chai for this light drink that helps in slimming, contains natural antioxidants that relax the blood vessels and prevent heart diseases. Green tea also helps in bone strengthening due to the presence of fluoride in it.

5. Chai:

Having said that, your regular chaiwala is probably helping you stay healthy. A strong cup of tea with spices such as cardamom, cloves, ginger and cinnamon have anti-bacterial an anti microbial properties.

6. Milk:

One glass of low fat milk is another great way to start your day. It is a wholesome meal in itself rich with proteins, carbohydrates and fat. It has calcium which causes your body to burn the fat and not store it which supplements its weight losing qualities.

A glass of milk is equivalent to a wholesome meal

7. Vegetables:

A great way to detox is to mix vegetables high in minerals and drink them up. Beets and carrots are always recommended that you can mix with a dash of lemon and ginger.

8. Fruit smoothies:

This is the fun drink in the list. Buy a bunch of fruits and anytime you’re feeling particularly experimental try different combinations with milk, the result will more often than not be healthy and yummy. Mix bananas, strawberries, oranges and even spinach. Mix with water, ice, diary products. You can practically check off all items on a health list: Vitamins, minerals, fiber. For a healthier smoothie, add water or low fat milk.

Fruits and vegetables juices

9. Kombucha Tea:

This beverage is often called the Champagne of Life. It is made from sweetened tea and fermented. It is magical in fighting memory loss, premenstrual pain, joint pain and ageing. It also boosts your immune system and strengthens metabolism.

10. Wine:

After you’ve exhausted every other healthy drink, pour yourself a glass of red. Wine was an early medicine and even today, doctors advice one glass of wine to heart patients. Wine is also credited to preventing colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. But the consumption of wine, just like all other alcohol should be moderated.Try these liquids at home, however if you’ve not tried a liquid diet before, we recommend you consult a dietitian before you begin as this form of nutrition is not for everyone. Try these liquids one at a time and not all at one in a day. Pay attention to what your body needs and imbibe these healthy potions in your routine gradually for a healthier you.