Why you need to pay attention to your anger-anxiety issues

Are you always angry?

If the last time you let your anger get better of you and it took you by surprise, you need to take a more serious look at the problem. If you’ve raised your voice more than once at a dinner party, punched a wall after a fight, stormed out of a room in anger or more importantly, felt the increasing urge to do any of the aforementioned things, you’re probably angrier than you think you are.

Anger and anxiety are problems that can easily go undiagnosed and untreated. The issues may be boiling under layers of denial and ignorance years before they finally burst out. The more serious worry though is that people may not even be aware that they may be suffering from serious anger issues.

Even if you think you have your anger in control, here are some things you probably didn’t know your anger could lead to. No matter in what stage you think you are, inadvertently your anger is taking control of you with every temper tantrum. There is a list of scary and serious effects of anger including, mild to severe headaches, digestion problems, such as abdominal pain, stomach uneasiness, insomnia, depression, high blood pressure and skin problems. If you’ve been battling with anger for a while, you must have also been warned against the high level of stress it causes you, the risk to your heart .

Anger affects your health through migraines, depression and increases the risk of heart diseases
Anger affects your health through migraines, depression and increases the risk of heart diseases

To get you acclimatized to your issues, you need to identify your problem. Here are some quick pointers:

  • Admit to your problem:

    Notice your behavior carefully for a week. If you think your problem is not chronic, or not as serious, be vigilant with yourself. The next time you get angry, make a mental note. If your anger episodes are occurring more frequently than you thought, Houston, we have a problem.

    Aggressive or repressive: 

    Here’s the tricky part. Even if you’ve not yelled at the cashier, packed a punch at the punks who ticked you off or raised your voice in anger, you may still want to take a closer look at yourself. You may be repressing anger by keeping it bottled up. It is just harmful as aggressive anger, possibly even unhealthier.

  • Pay attention to physical symptoms:

    Usually when a person gets angry, the body reacts to that anger. If a colleague is inefficient, your employees have walked in late or your spouse is driving you up the wall, your body will react first. That pain in your neck will start acting up, your joints will probably call for attention or the throbbing pain in your temple will return. This is your body telling you that a storm is coming.

  • One or many:

    Once you’ve identified your issues, try and figure out if it is only one problem you’re stresses about or many. If it’s a one-situation only anger, then it is slightly easier to handle. For instance, if only work-related issues stress you out, then the problem is at work, and not at home. If this is not the case though and the problem is your temper and not the environment, then you need to work on yourself.hulk2The point of the matter is, don’t take your anger lightly. If not today, a year or five later, you will be left facing either physical or mental consequences of your anger. Treat it now when you can. Here are some simple DIY anger management tips:

  • Get help:

    A visit to a doctor is probably the smartest thing you will do all day. Not only will you know how serious your problem is, a therapist might help subdue the problem before it gets worse.

  • Find your exit activity:

    If you see the familiar symptoms of the imminent anger outburst, excuse yourself and walk away. Find an activity that will help you cool off. Take a walk or go for a run. Go talk to a more friendly voice or put on your favourite music playlist. Change the mood and return when you feel calmer.

    Find an activity that calms you down, change it monthly
    Find an activity that calms you down, change it monthly
  • Don’t get angry at the same thing twice:

    You can be better than that. If you’ve already realised you have no patience for incompetent drivers on the road, or your child’s messy bedroom, don’t return to the same issue. Accept some inevitable life truths, and try moving on from the small stuff.

  • Discover a new hobby:

    Distraction is the key here. People who have anger issues usually hate the Hulk monster they become once they turn green. So add an aspect to your personality that you really enjoy. Take up cooking, music or sports. Become a cinephile for a month. Change your activity monthly.The important positive to remember here is the amount of advancement medicine has made in terms of mental health. So today you have therapists, pain relievers and medication to help you pull through. The equipment is ready, so it’s now time to let go and breathe easy.