All would Be Moms – Here’s Your Weekly Guide to Pregnancy Tests

For all those who are reading this article now, a hearty congratulations from our side on reaching the most beautiful and significant stage of your life. In your new journey of bringing a life to this planet, we are there with you always; as you gradually move towards one of the most awaited days of your life.

Parenting responsibilities begin not when you hold the baby in your arms for the first time. It rather initiates right from the moment you know that you have conceived.

Opting for correct and timely clinical tests to monitor fetus development, along with suggested precautions from your doctor, and taking a good care of yourself, together guarantee the wellbeing of your child.

Completer guide to pregnancy test

However, before we move into a detailed discussion on tests during pregnancy, I would like to know if all of you reading this article have undergone a clinical pregnancy test to reaffirm conception?

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What is Knee Replacement Surgery And How To Prepare?

Knee replacement surgery, medically termed as Arthroplasty, is one of the most performed surgical procedures in India. Thanks to the growing population of people suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis that damage knee joints to an extent, when only Knee replacement surgeries can serve as an effective remedy!

Knee Replacement Surgery in India

Joints in body are nothing but areas where two or more bones meet, and are held together with muscles, tendons and ligaments. Most of the bone joints are movable. Knee joints for example are movable; meaning, that bones are not completely rigid and are allowed to move, providing the needed flexibility. Thus, when knee joints are damaged, your locomotory activities get restricted.

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Throat Cancer – Causes and Treatments

Throat cancer refers to the condition where cancerous cell development takes place anywhere in or around the voice box, vocal cords, oropharynx or tonsils. Depending on the area of cancer growth, throat cancer has been divided into two types – Laryngeal Cancer relating to Larynx and Pharyngeal Cancer relating to Pharynx.

Larynx is what is commonly known as Voice box and houses the vocal cords, that facilitate speech and singing. It is located in the mid line of throat, deep within the skin.

What is throat Cancer

Pharynx is the long tube running behind the mouth and nose, performing two essential functions. Pharynx transfers food from mouth to esophagus and also filters, warms and moistens the air we breathe, so as to conduct the same to the lungs. Thus, pharynx forms an essential part of both are digestive and respiratory system.

Cancers in this area are definitely quite painful. However, the good news is that, accurate treatment and medical procedures administered in a timely manner allow patients to recover and thus survive for several more years. Continue reading “Throat Cancer – Causes and Treatments”

Colon Cancer – The Easiest Cancer To Prevent

Just a couple of years back, Indian Health experts were in a bewildering state of mind, when Goa was marked to have the highest number of colon cancer cases in India. The veterans made every possible effort to understand reasons that made Indian population so susceptible to Colon cancer. Vigorous research revealed that our choice of food and poor lifestyle are to be held responsible for this declining health standards. However, a lot more could be added to this list and has been discussed later.

Nevertheless, today we do have this one assuring piece of information related to colon cancer. A bit of vigilance related to your personal health, a brief understanding of symptoms or early signs and regular health screening tests can prevent you from developing this bowel cancer. large-intestine-anatomy

Colon is nothing but the large intestine and marks the end of human digestive system. The right hand side of colon is responsible for absorbing water and salts from food. And the left hand side stores and regulates evacuation of stool. Last few inches of colon is known as the rectum which terminates with anus and eliminates waste from body. Continue reading “Colon Cancer – The Easiest Cancer To Prevent”

Mesothelioma – A Rarest Form of Cancer Now in India

Mesothelioma, a rare type of cancer, had always been a notorious health concern for people overseas. However, this had not intruded into the health aspects of Indian population, until September 2015 when the first case of Mesothelioma was reported in Rajasthan.

Mesothelioma involves cancerous growth within the Mesothelium; which is a protective tissue, lining most of our internal organs. Complete cure for this ailment is yet to be formulated; however, various treatment procedures that can reduce the severity of symptoms and consequently ease related discomfort are very much available.

What is Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is related to Asbestos and is more common with men as compared to their female counterparts. One of the deadliest aspects of this disease is that, it can remain undiagnosed for years, as its symptoms mimic many other diseased conditions and thus, gets easily confused with more common health ailments.

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Porphyria: The Vampire Disease

And this explains, that those supernatural, blood drinking ‘vampires’ from the werewolf – vampire folklores of the 20th century, were perhaps humans suffering from a rare genetic disorder – Porphyria.

Porphyria comes from the word ‘Porphura’ meaning Purple pigment. So, how this disease is related to the purple pigment and more so, why is it known as the Vampire disease?

Porphyria is related to Porphyrins – a chemical produced by Healthy Human body, that is somewhat purple in color. And the absence of this, leads to the dreaded vampire disease. porphyria-inrtro

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Heavy Metal Poisoning – 6 Most Toxic Elements to Human Health

Metals that have high atomic weight, with a density five times greater than that of water, are grouped together as heavy metals. Heavy metal poisoning or toxicity relates to all harmful effects that can be brought about by these metals, posing huge danger to human health and the environment as a whole.

Not all heavy metals are menacing. It is only the inappropriate presence of these metals in body that prove detrimental to our health. Heavy metal poisoning greatly relates to metals such as; cadmium, arsenic, mercury and lead. However, there are a number of other heavy metals and metalloids that prove equally hostile to our physical or mental well being.  A few of them have been listed in later sections.

Elemental Toxicity

Heavy metals can find their way into our body via ingestion, inhalation and absorption through skin. Thereafter, they inhibit normal functioning of body’s metabolism, leading to variety of disorders and diseases.  Continue reading “Heavy Metal Poisoning – 6 Most Toxic Elements to Human Health”