Twitching Eyes – Not A Bad Omen, But An Early Symptom!

“Don’t step out of the house, as something bad may happen!,” is what grandmoms in India advice their grandsons; when they complain of twitching eyes.

Among the various superstitious beliefs, that hold place in Indian society, twitching eyes are perhaps one of the most talked about. It is not only the phenomenon, but your gender, the specific eye (left/right) and the position (upper/lower) of twitching, are believed to reveal much of our destiny!Twitching Eyes - Myokymia

Twitching eyes, although a medical condition that requires attention, has been wrongly hyped as a bad omen, fortune teller or an indication from the God almighty!

Well, if we take it as an indication, perhaps it is! No. Not something that relates to our future or destiny – It is something more substantial. And that’s your Health! Continue reading “Twitching Eyes – Not A Bad Omen, But An Early Symptom!”

Is Your Drinking Water Jeopardizing Your Health?

While that sip of water had always been regarded as a life savior; today, we are afraid that it can even turn a menace to our own health. Indians are already having a tough time dealing with existing water crisis problems. Moreover, to work out a solution for this plight, is it enough to just have a continuous supply of water? The answer is NO. It is not about the availability of water alone, but safe drinking water is what we need to strive for.

Water borne diseases are the leading cause of death in India. And still we have thousands who consider “clear looking water” to be clean or safe, and thus use it for drinking purposes!

Clear looking water is not always safe

A glass of water that appears to be clear, is not always uncontaminated and safe to drink. Water borne diseases are related to microbes and definitely these are not visible with naked eyes. And who knows, water that looks clear may in real have millions of germs that can get you seriously ill.

Continue reading “Is Your Drinking Water Jeopardizing Your Health?”

Alzheimer – Are Your Brains Suffering From Type 3 Diabetes?!

While you may feel a little puzzled to relate diabetes with your mental strength; the medical world is conveniently using type 3 diabetes and Alzheimer interchangeably, for quite some time now.

In a nutshell, Alzheimer’s disease defines reduced intellectual capabilities or memory loss to put it in general terms. On the other hand, Diabetes is a condition of having excess sugar content in blood. It may be due to reduced pancreatic function that fails to produce required amount of insulin, needed for processing blood glucose; thus, leaving more than required levels of sugar in blood.

What is Alzheimer

Insulin disorders can lead to “N” number of health issues; if left untreated or ignored. And can lack of insulin lead to loss of memory? The answer is definitely a YES.

So, if you’re still counting Alzheimer – Diabetes connection to be something fallacious and rumored, you’re wrong. It’s time you gear up, accept the fact and do the needful. And if by any chance you happen to be diabetic, now is the time to learn about this degenerative disease, Alzheimer, and stop this probable epidemic from taking a toll in future.

Continue reading “Alzheimer – Are Your Brains Suffering From Type 3 Diabetes?!”