The Obesity Demon and How to Fight It

A shocking research says that one in every five people across India suffers from obesity. What is more shocking is that there are 400 million obese people worldwide. Obesity is increasingly becoming a pan-Indian phenomenon. It is no longer restricted to first world and developed nations. On one hand, there are the under-nourished and malnutrition fighting India, whereas on the other there is the section of society fighting obesity and excess body weight. It is indeed a very cruel irony! how-to-fight-obesitySo, what is obesity? What are the criterion that decide it is time you lose that extra weight from your body? What are the tests to know if you fall into the obese or overweight category? What then to do in order to shed the obese tag? What are the risks that you get exposed to as a result of obesity and the surgical options if any? And also, when is time to put a semicolon on your favorite pastas and pastries? Continue reading “The Obesity Demon and How to Fight It”

Dental Braces: Safe and Easy Way to Beautify Your Smile!

Get rid of your dental woes with dental braces for a more confident you! A person’s smile is the first thing noticed among every other parameter of his personality. A smile is capable to improve an ordinary looking person’s appearance. However, not everyone is blessed with a neat set of pearly whites. There are people who feel the need of dental braces for teeth health and of course for their overall looks. There are hordes of people frequenting dentists and cosmetic surgeons for teeth enhancement. Everything boils down to spending lots of money on getting that perfect smile. dental braces treatment in India
But what if your doctor tells you that you need dental braces for correcting crooked or irregular teeth? Would you go for it? Reports suggest that people from royalty to less-than-famous people worldwide, are opting for dental braces to correct wrongly positioned teeth and also a crooked smile.  Continue reading “Dental Braces: Safe and Easy Way to Beautify Your Smile!”

Infertility to fertility –Bring home your bundle of joy together!

For those who consider parenting to be something that makes marriage a real bliss, infertility can be devastating. And it is only they who understand the desperation that needs to be undergone to end this endless wait of having their own child and bringing home their bundle of joy.

Childlessness can be traumatic for both genders. For some couples, this becomes one of the biggest hurdles to their marital life. However, infertility is not something incorrigible or inexorable. Rather, a lot of it depends on our own life styles.

From infertility to fertility

Therefore, if it is infertility that is making you feel hopeless and miserable, curving out a solution is the only way out. So how do you go about that?

A journey from infertility to fertility requires a complete know how about the situation and factors that disturb male and female fertility on an elemental level. In India, lack of sufficient awareness related to reproductive health, does not allow patients to opt for infertility treatment measures that are easily available.

Thus, today’s post discusses every aspect related to infertility; including fertilization, to causes that hinder it. Symptoms of male and female infertility have been discussed at length. You may also understand remedial measures that treat problems related to poor fertile health.

Continue reading “Infertility to fertility –Bring home your bundle of joy together!”

Parathyroid Glands – Four Pillars of Your Bone Health

While there’s much hue and cry about thyroid gland and disorders, little do we know about parathyroid diseases. Blood calcium balance is attributed to Vitamin D levels in body; however, there’s another very significant aspect in our body, that is silently maintaining calcium equilibrium. Yes, you got it right. It is the parathyroid glands that are being referred to here.

The worst part is, parathyroid disorders don’t come up with vivid symptoms. Early signs which have been discussed later in the post, mostly include general weakness and associated pain. Fatigue can be a result of multiple health disorders, and tracking it down to small parathyroid glands in the endocrine system becomes impossible in the beginning.

Parathyroid Gland

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Inflammatory Bowel Diseases – CROHN’S and Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases refer to a set of conditions that result in a troubled and inflamed digestive or gastrointestinal tract. Although, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases exist in different types; the two most common forms are – CROHN’S and Ulcerative Colitis.

Any inflammatory disorder arises when the body causes unnecessary inflammation, that destroys essential tissues and organs. Inflammation is otherwise necessary and exists as the body’s normal response against harmful foreign entities and external damage of tissues. Inflammation is necessary to administer body’s own healing mechanism. However, when the immune system wrongly identifies external threat and thus results in inflammatory actions, inflammatory disorders are said to develop.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD) are also autoimmune conditions, where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues of the gastrointestinal tract and cause severe pain, discomfort and even death. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases mostly affect small intestine and large intestine; however, serious cases even infect mouth, esophagus and other parts.

The following discussion entails causes, symptoms and treatment of the two most destructive forms of IBD: Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis. You may also get sufficient information regarding diet and lifestyle changes that can help you to deal and live with IBD disorders.

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Heart Bypass Surgery – What, Why and How

Bypass surgery, also known as Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery is a procedure done to find an alternative path, that can compensate for damaged arteries which fail to carry oxygen rich blood to the heart. The alternative path is created by blood vessels taken from another part of your body. Since these blood vessels form a bypass around the original channel of blood flow, the procedure is known as heart bypass surgery.

Now, for anybody to know, that they themselves or someone they love needs to undergo a bypass surgery, could be certainly a terrifying experience, they wish to escape. However, if anybody has been ordered this surgical remedy, opting for it without delay is the best they can do to avoid consequences.

Heart Bypass Surgery

Bypass surgeries are definitely major surgical procedures that need a good amount of preparation before hand. In addition, there are a multitude of questions that haunt individuals scheduled for this surgery. “Is it risky to undergo a bypass surgery?” “Are there no other alternative methods for treating the ailment?” “How does it feel to undergo this surgery?” “How long does it take to recover from a CABG surgery?” This can go endlessly, leading to increased anxiety, confusion and overall degradation of your health status.

Thus, the only resolute to a scenario such as this, could be learning more and more about the procedure, and what you as a patient or a care taker can do, to yield best results and quick recovery.

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Is Your Drinking Water Jeopardizing Your Health?

While that sip of water had always been regarded as a life savior; today, we are afraid that it can even turn a menace to our own health. Indians are already having a tough time dealing with existing water crisis problems. Moreover, to work out a solution for this plight, is it enough to just have a continuous supply of water? The answer is NO. It is not about the availability of water alone, but safe drinking water is what we need to strive for.

Water borne diseases are the leading cause of death in India. And still we have thousands who consider “clear looking water” to be clean or safe, and thus use it for drinking purposes!

Clear looking water is not always safe

A glass of water that appears to be clear, is not always uncontaminated and safe to drink. Water borne diseases are related to microbes and definitely these are not visible with naked eyes. And who knows, water that looks clear may in real have millions of germs that can get you seriously ill.

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What is Knee Replacement Surgery And How To Prepare?

Knee replacement surgery, medically termed as Arthroplasty, is one of the most performed surgical procedures in India. Thanks to the growing population of people suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis that damage knee joints to an extent, when only Knee replacement surgeries can serve as an effective remedy!

Knee Replacement Surgery in India

Joints in body are nothing but areas where two or more bones meet, and are held together with muscles, tendons and ligaments. Most of the bone joints are movable. Knee joints for example are movable; meaning, that bones are not completely rigid and are allowed to move, providing the needed flexibility. Thus, when knee joints are damaged, your locomotory activities get restricted.

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Throat Cancer – Causes and Treatments

Throat cancer refers to the condition where cancerous cell development takes place anywhere in or around the voice box, vocal cords, oropharynx or tonsils. Depending on the area of cancer growth, throat cancer has been divided into two types – Laryngeal Cancer relating to Larynx and Pharyngeal Cancer relating to Pharynx.

Larynx is what is commonly known as Voice box and houses the vocal cords, that facilitate speech and singing. It is located in the mid line of throat, deep within the skin.

What is throat Cancer

Pharynx is the long tube running behind the mouth and nose, performing two essential functions. Pharynx transfers food from mouth to esophagus and also filters, warms and moistens the air we breathe, so as to conduct the same to the lungs. Thus, pharynx forms an essential part of both are digestive and respiratory system.

Cancers in this area are definitely quite painful. However, the good news is that, accurate treatment and medical procedures administered in a timely manner allow patients to recover and thus survive for several more years. Continue reading “Throat Cancer – Causes and Treatments”

Mesothelioma – A Rarest Form of Cancer Now in India

Mesothelioma, a rare type of cancer, had always been a notorious health concern for people overseas. However, this had not intruded into the health aspects of Indian population, until September 2015 when the first case of Mesothelioma was reported in Rajasthan.

Mesothelioma involves cancerous growth within the Mesothelium; which is a protective tissue, lining most of our internal organs. Complete cure for this ailment is yet to be formulated; however, various treatment procedures that can reduce the severity of symptoms and consequently ease related discomfort are very much available.

What is Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is related to Asbestos and is more common with men as compared to their female counterparts. One of the deadliest aspects of this disease is that, it can remain undiagnosed for years, as its symptoms mimic many other diseased conditions and thus, gets easily confused with more common health ailments.

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