Have You Observed a Bone Spur (Bone Out Growth)?

A human baby has 270 bones which decreases to 206 by adulthood. Decrease in the number of bones happens because some bones in the human body fuse together as you grow up.

Your bones are the strongest and the most important entity of your body. They provide a structural framework to your body. They serve to protect the important and delicate organs of your body. Bones along with skeletal muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints are responsible for your body movements.

Bones are known to be a store house of minerals like calcium and phosphorus. They house bone marrow that produce blood cells. Your bones must be protected from diseases or any other problems that affect their strength. This will help you enable a healthy life for coming years. bone-spur

Just imagine if there are any abnormalities or disorders in the bones, as these could cause terrible effect on all of their functionalities. You must have heard of many bone diseases as they are getting common now-a-days. An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the reason for developing a bone disease. Continue reading “Have You Observed a Bone Spur (Bone Out Growth)?”