Lies And Damn Lies About Menstruation Myths

Every time you get your period, invariably there are a list of myths that circulate. Some of these age-old tales are passed down from your grandmothers and mothers. As strange as it is, we follow them dutifully. The truth of the matter is, most of these pieces of advice floating out there are myths. Here’s a list of the top ten myths that need to go away immediately. Period.

1. You can’t wash your hair during your cycle:

Almost every one of us must have been told not to wash our hair because it will not only increase your flow but increase your cramping. This is totally untrue. Do not neglect your personal hygiene under any circumstance. Go on washing your hair as regularly as before.

It's a myth that you can't wash your hair during your period
It’s a myth that you can’t wash your hair during your period

2. You can’t take a bath with warm water:

Another totally senseless piece of advice. The temperature of your bath water makes no difference to your menstrual flow. In fact most girls would agree that warm water helps in relaxing their body and reducing cramps.

3. No swimming or water activities:

While things can get a little messy in the water, if you have a proper sanitary napkin or tampon in place, there’s no reason why you can’t go swimming or spend a day at the beach. Just change your napkin before and after your swim and you’re good to go. There’s another myth that you’ll be attacked by sharks who will be attracted by the smell of blood. This has happened before, never.

Don’t stop your water activities during your cycle

4. No sex or alcohol:

Again, sounds a little messy and you possibly need to take care of a few things and pay attention to your flow, but sex during a cycle is not unheard of. If you and your partner are comfortable with the idea, go for it. A small reminder though: there are equal chances of you getting pregnant even if you are menstruating. So play safe. About alcohol, you can go out and have a drink, no one advises you against it. But don’t binge drink. Your body will get tired sooner.

  1. You can get pregnant during your period if you do have sex

    5. You need to sleep more during your cycle:

    Well though it is a perfect excuse to lie in bed the whole day doing nothing but munching on popcorn with your favorite movie, this is not a necessity. Your body is just a little exhausted by the cramping and is slightly tired. Rest is good, but not a necessary must do. Get a few more hours of sleep, but scientifically, there’s no reason to slack off.

    6. PMS is all in your head:

    So. Not. True. Pre menstrual syndrome that causes irritability, depression and fatigue are due to the hormonal changes in your body. Don’t let anyone tell you that it is all in your head. It is perfectly natural to feel a little exhausted and run out of patience for a few days. But like we all know, the feeling passes soon.

    7. You lose a lot of blood:

    While there is blood loss, there is absolutely no reason to panic. It is surprising to know that the total blood loss to your system is about four tablespoons. It is no reason to panic and worry about getting extra medication or rest. We can handle it.

    8. If your period doesn’t arrive on time, you’re pregnant:

    While missing a cycle is a sign of pregnancy, there’s no immediate need to panic if it doesn’t arrive on time. Many of us don’t know that your cycle can be delayed by travel, stress, weight loss, lifestyle change and illness. Wait for a few days and get a pregnancy test. But if it happens regularly, visit a doctor.

    9. Menstrual blood is impure:

    Menstrual blood is as normal as any other blood flowing through your body. Because the discharge is from the vagina, and it flows out as waste, it is deemed impure. But there is no difference, and lesser reason to get icked out.

    10. You can’t use a tampon if you’re a virgin:

    This is one of the most important myths to bust. A virgin is a person who has not had intercourse and therefore apparently the hymen is intact. But the hymen can be broken due to rigorous exercise such as swimming, horse-riding and cycling. If this is the case, there’s no reason for you not to use a tampon. Find someone to guide you, get yourself checked and go on. You’ll probably find them more convenient.

    You don't have to be a virgin to use a tampon
    You don’t have to be a virgin to use a tampon

    The important thing to remember is that our body is also adapting to our changing and fast lifestyle. So there’s no need to keep following any old tales about menstruating. You’re on your period, you’re not sick. Go on about your life exactly like you would. Sneak a chocolate bar mid-week though. Chocolate always helps.

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