Have You Got Mumps Lately?

Mumps is a contagious medical condition caused due to an infectious virus of the same name. Having the incubation interval of 1-2 weeks, the condition is followed by swelling on both sides of tell-tale neck and the face with intense pain extending up to the ears. It usually begins with mild muscle aches, headache, and fever.


It was commonly observed in children without routine immunization, which is actually the best cure or rather prevention against mumps. Today, almost 95% cases could be resolved by immunization alone. Note that adults could develop more serious complications than children.


Self-help Measures

  • In order to relieve pain in the swollen glands, you can place a face flannel or any warm compressor on each side of your face
  • Rest is important. You are required to rest your body until the symptoms start to fade away
  • Acidic fruit fluids that stimulate the secretion of saliva should be avoided as they could aggravate the pain in the swollen glands even more. However, other fluids should be taken in large quantities. You could use a straw to drink fluids if it is painful to open your mouth
  • Aches and pains could be released with painkillers. They could also be administered to reduce fever due to mumps
  • Although it takes 7-14 days for complete recovery, with no further complications, you could resume work or school 5 days after the onset of mumps
  • It is advised to eat bland or soft foods such as yoghurts or soups that are easygoing and uncomplicated to swallow
  • For men, if the pain is in the testicles, it is recommended to wear supportive inners such as tight underpants and stay in bed until the symptoms slow down


Drug Remedies

  • Ibuprofen or paracetamol is an effective drug for adults against muscle aches and swollen gland pains
  • For children, consult your pharmacist for the right form of paracetamol drug – whether liquid, melt-in-the-mouth, or soluble. The drug is available in different forms (liquid/tablet)


Prevention Before Cure

  • Immunization is the best remedy for mumps as there is no dedicated treatment for it. Ensure that your child is administered with MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine


Doctor’s Consultation

  • Generally, mumps get healed within 7-10 days. However, if more symptoms like vomiting, pain in the testicles, severe headache, seizures, chest or abdomen pain, excessive drowsiness, swelling, bright light dislike, etc., begin to show up, you need to seek your doctor’s consultation on immediate basis


Latent Complications

  • Mumps could add to the risk of miscarriage if it is contracted within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy although they do not cause any defects or malformations in the fetus
  • Meningitis could be an appalling complication; however, it cures within a few days without any treatment
  • Inflammation of the brain causing nausea, stiff neck, headache, etc.
  • Transient hearing loss
  • Painful and swollen testicles
  • Inflammation in the heart, pancreas, and other organs


Signs & Symptoms

  • Mild abdominal pain
  • Enlargement of the main salivary glands called parotid glands. Severe pain in these glands is also observed
  • Being unable to chew or swallow food, high fever, exhaustiveness, etc., are common signs before the enlargement of parotid glands
  • Dry and sore mouth


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