Put these Tips on Your List to Put on Weight

Weight gain is not just about calories. You are what you eat. By pouncing on junk foods which are deprived of nutrients, you don’t provide enough for your body to work with. Follow these expert tips to have a good shape and sound leanness for your body.


Go wide, go varied

Gaining weight has a lot to do with supplying a variety of foods to your body to work with. A comprehensive spectrum of nutrients provided throughout the day helps your body to improve different bodily elements, thus aiding you to put on weight faster. Don’t just concentrate on milk substitutes like soy and hemp or organic skim milk. You should aim to ingest at least 3 food groups in your body at once. You could also consider having a few pieces of whole grain toast topped up with banana slices and almond butter and a fistful of nuts along with your milk diet.


Have liquid foods

So often, people underestimate the importance of liquid foods when trying to gain some mass. Nutritional liquid foods are very effective and play a significant role alongside solid foods in providing the required fats and nutrients for your body. Milk alternatives (as mentioned before) along with pure fruit juices and smoothies chosen over milkshakes are the best liquids for an underweight individual. Smoothies are delicious and could be strengthened with protein supplements, wheat germ, carrot juice, or nut butter. Besides, they could take the place of solid foods at times and not let you feel bloated at the same time.


Don’t keep erratic food patterns

Consistency is the key! You may brag that you eat all the time, but if you have a closer look at your eating patterns, you will find them quite erratic. Your body works as an engine that needs to be fueled regularly because it carries out numerous functions viz. blood circulation, pumping of the heart, brain functions, etc. Lack of foods in your body takes a toll on your energy and also on your muscle mass. So, make sure that you feed yourself every 3-4 hours.


It’s about quality, not quantity

Gulping down huge quantities of any foods or adopting junkies thinking that they could make you look chubby is absurd. You are expected to gain weight through muscles and not unsolicited fats. Dried fruits and almond butter, dark chocolate chips, rolled oats, and other nutrient-rich foods are just the power-packed foods your body needs. Snack them throughout the day and provide your body with valuable proteins and carbohydrates.


Know what you eat before bed

Filling your belly with unwanted foods could alter the process of regeneration, repair, and healing which mainly take place during sleep. Therefore, it is very vital to ensure a supply of fresh nutrients for ensuring potent building up of lean and muscle tissue. A lean protein snack such as organic crumbled cheese, chopped chicken breast, or beans or pasta salad prepared with whole-grain pasta is a phenomenal alternative to not let you feel stuffed before sleeping.


Avoid the paunch

Know one thing that no matter how skinny you are, you will inevitably develop an unappealing paunch as you grow older. Alongside gaining weight, it is also important to aim for a well-toned body. For this, you need to engage yourself in different exercises such as those related to flexibility, weight training, and balanced cardio combinations. Remember, concentrating just on foods will not help you. The whole objective here is to replenish weight according to your gender, height, and age. Your motive should be to sustain optimum nutritional status and restructure body tissues.


Cut down junk foods

If you think eating too much could make you healthy, you’re in the wrong mindset. You will suffer from the same unhealthy results as an overweight person would with unfitting eating habits. Filling your stomach with junkies in between your main meals is certainly not advised. Know that, the less you eat junk foods, the more you allow your body to reap the benefits of healthy nutrients. Go high on starchy foods like potato and those which incorporate nutritional calories. It is advised to either have 5-6 small meals or 3 large meals in 1 day.


Choose good calorie foods

Choosing the right foods give you an opportunity to rightly gain your weight. Oils are usually infamous for causing cholesterol and heart problems. However, the choice here is what matters. Canola oil, olive oil, etc. are always good options to add some fat to your daily foods and receive those much required calories as well. Energy bars including oats, cereals, and nuts are healthy servings that pack around 500 calories. It is not a bad idea to have them for a yummy breakfast. You could also consider banana and peanut butter to gain some carbs and proteins too.


Get these foods too

Whole wheat bread capable of supplying at least 69 calories with each slice is a great food to grab some extra pounds. Tuna is a good fish variety that aids in sustaining a fine physical well-being and receiving healthy fats via its dynamic fatty acids. Stuffed with good cholesterol, vitamins D, E, and A, and proteins, whole eggs are frequently advised to put on weight. Lastly, butter also helps to gain weight, but for the long term. Its intake should be controlled and kept in moderation because it could seriously affect your heart’s health.


Consult your doctor for dietary supplements

Supplements associated with weight gain are generally carb-enriched. However, mineral and vitamin supplements are also available for various purposes. While taking such supplements, you should be cautious and seek medical advice from your local doctor as they could cause hypervitaminosis and various other health problems. Anyways, your doctor will supposedly only suggest you to take supplements if you have any nutrient deficiencies. Remember, the needs of your body will decide how to process the supplements you have taken.


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