Is High Cholesterol Ruining Your Health and Happiness?

Cholesterol is the current buzzword ready to stir tension among people! There are many conceptions and misconceptions amongst people regarding cholesterol. But, how many people actually know that there is good and bad cholesterol and that the good one is needed to even out effects of bad one?

It is also wrongly believed that, kids cannot develop cholesterol problems. Wrong! They can develop cholesterol problems at as less an age as 8. For adults, the silver lining is that 1 in 3 adults having high cholesterol are able to keep it under check. high-cholesterol-and-health-problems

Read on to find out more about cholesterol, what happens if you have high cholesterol, ways to control it, tests to determine your cholesterol levels and much more: Continue reading “Is High Cholesterol Ruining Your Health and Happiness?”