Your Hair Appearance is Your Health Mirror

If looks could kill…Your appearance tells the story beneath your skin and whether ignoring them could kill you or not.

Human science has reach to its summit and still making its way out to discover newer theories with a view to augment health precautions and treatments. Brittle nails, scaliness on the elbow, dull complexion, or lackluster hair narrate something about the health issues (if any) underneath the surface.


Thinning Hair

For instance, thinning hair is often experienced with hypothyroidism. Dr. Zoe Stallings, a family physician at Duke Medicine in Durham, N.C., pointed out a problem when the scalp fails to do its job of replacing the naturally shedded strands. “…women start to notice that their scalp is showing.” The hair follicles usually switch on the “resting mode” when the thyroid gland is underactive in hypothyroidism. In such a case, synthetic hormones and other remedies are recommended in general.


Low estrogen is another major concern for hair thinning. Birthing women should not fret about the estrogen dip – your hair capacity is likely to come back to normal by the time your baby has crossed 6 months. B complex multi with collagen is expected to repair and rebuild thinning hair for menopausal women.

Dark, Think Body Hair

For those women who grow manly hair in areas where men usually grow like chest, back, cheeks, chin, etc., it’s pretty unusual or rather abnormal. This hair abnormality is a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) where victimized women experience dark and thick hair growth on unusual parts of their body. “This is a thick coat of ‘I have sideburns that tweezers can’t handle’ hair,” explained Stallings.


The endocrine disorder is caused due to raised levels of male sex hormones and can elevate the risk of diabetes and infertility. Nonetheless, it can possibly be controlled with these treatments:

Visiting your MD is the primary step you should take to prevent the disorder from getting worse. The doctor may suggest you a cream or prescribe a steroid to rectify the hormonal imbalance.

News: Women with PCOS can Enjoy Sex with Less Pain by Exercising

“It is the first study to show that resistance training (as opposed to aerobic exercise) improved several aspects of sexuality in obese women with PCOS compared to overweight women without PCOS,” stated Dr. Katherine Sherif from Thomas Jefferson University’s Jefferson Women’s Primary Care.


While exercise can improve your overall health and there’s nothing new about it, a Brazilian study encourages women suffering from PCOS to exercise more for a more enjoyable sex with minimized pain. PCOS usually partners with weight issues, which could possibly cause mental problems putting a negative effect on sexual functions. Exercise, however, can help boost mood in women – whether or not they’re suffering from PCOS.

Sherif continued “Improvement in mood, in turn, no doubt improves sexual functioning. However, resistance training, which increases lean muscle mass, is more likely to help overcome insulin resistance compared to aerobic exercise.”

Hair Loss? These 6 Reasons Might Surprise You

Understanding the reason of a problem is the first step towards resolving it. Hair loss or thinning hair is not a problem only with women, but men too could experience balding at any age. So before your balding starts becoming noticeable, let’s study these surprising causes of hair loss.


1. Less protein:

Men are often found deliberately adding proteins to their diet to get those heavy-duty muscular limbs. However, there are still some lazy men who care less about their health or are probably less interested in a muscular body. Anyways, it’s important to know that your hair is made out of proteins, so consuming enough proteins is an unavoidable option for you whether you’re interested in impressing the women around or not.

2. Excess vitamin A:

Medical websites usually preach about consuming sufficient vitamin C for overall health. However, anything done too much is bad. Consuming vitamin C beyond 5,000 IU could be dangerous to your hair growth.

3. Genetics:

If you have a family history of hair loss, it’s guaranteed that you too would lose your hair. Having mentioned that, hair loss isn’t irreversible. It can be treated.

4. Stress:

Trauma or stress forces your hair follicles to enter a resting period called “telogen” where hair growth is ceased. After 3-6 months past your continual stress, your hair could fall out. However, they may grow back once you recover from stress.

5. Vitamin B deficiency:

While excess vitamin A could hamper your hair growth, lack of vitamin B could produce the same result. Go for vitamin B-rich foods and B-complex vitamin supplements to tackle your “vitamin deficiency triggered” hair loss.

6. Iron deficiency:

Without sufficient body cells, oxygen and nutrients cannot be transported to different parts of the body including your hair. This causes your hair to starve and get killed. You definitely need iron to produce red blood cells, therefore you just cannot afford to let your body go iron deficient.

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