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Tesla Diagnostics (Kondapur)

Tesla Diagnostics (Kondapur) (Hyderabad)

Ektha Pearl Complex, S.No .37, 2nd Floor, Above Ratnadeep Super Market, Kothaguda, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500081


Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Tesla Diagnostics (Kondapur)

Diagnostic Test NameView Price
2D Echo Rs. 1200.00 (2-D Echo Color Doppler (Pediatric))
Adenosine Deaminase Test Rs. 500.00 (Peritonial Fluid / Ascitic Fluid / Pericardial Fluid / Serum / Synovial Fluid / CSF / Any Other Fliud / Pleural Fluid)
AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) Culture Test Rs. 250.00 (Urine / Fluid / PUS)
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test Rs. 500.00 (Serum)
Albumin Test Rs. 150.00 (Serum)
Aldolase Test Rs. 1000.00
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test Rs. 150.00
Allergy Test Rs. 4200.00 (Allergy Profile {NONVEG})
Allergy Test Rs. 5000.00 (Allergy Profile {VEG NON VEG})
Amylase Test Rs. 500.00 (Serum / Urine)
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test Rs. 500.00
ANC Profile Rs. 150.00
ANCA Profile Rs. 1600.00
Anti CCP (ACCP) Test Rs. 1200.00
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test Rs. 2000.00
Antithyroglobulin Antibody Test Rs. 900.00
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Test Rs. 500.00
ASO Test Rs. 350.00
Audiometry Test Rs. 300.00
Beta HCG Test Rs. 700.00 (Total / Urine)
Beta HCG Test Rs. 1200.00 (Free)
Bicarbonate Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum)
Bilirubin Test Rs. 200.00 (Total / Direct)
Biopsy Rs. 1200.00 (Biopsy- Large)
Biopsy Rs. 1000.00 (Biopsy- Medium)
Biopsy Rs. 1500.00 (Biopsy- Skin)
Biopsy Rs. 500.00 (Biopsy- Small)
Biopsy Rs. 2500.00 (Biopsy- Extra Large)
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test Rs. 120.00 (BT + CT)
Blood Culture Test Rs. 1000.00 (Culture and Sensitivity of Blood)
Blood Group Test Rs. 100.00
Blood Sugar Test Rs. 60.00
C-Peptide Test Rs. 800.00
CA 15.3 Test Rs. 800.00
CA 19.9 Test Rs. 800.00
CA-125 (Tumor Marker) Test Rs. 900.00
Calcium Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum)
Cardiolipin Antibodies (ACL) Rs. 600.00 (IgG / IgM / IgA)
CBC / Hemogram Test Rs. 250.00 (CBP & ESR)
CD4 Test Rs. 700.00 (CD4 Count)
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) Test Rs. 500.00
Chikungunya Test Rs. 800.00 (Chikungunya IgM(RAPID))
Chlamydia Test Rs. 2800.00 (Chlamydia Pneumonia IgG or IgM or IgA Antibodies)
Chloride Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum)
Cholesterol Test Rs. 200.00 (Total)
Color Doppler Rs. 3000.00 (Doppler study of Lower limbs (Arterial &Venous) / Doppler study of Upper Limbs (ARTERIAL & VENOUS)
Color Doppler Rs. 1500.00 (Left Lower Limb (Arterial) / Left Lower Limb (Venous) / Left Upper Limb (Arterial) / Left Upper Limb (Venous))
Color Doppler Rs. 2500.00 (Doppler study of Twin Pregnency)
Complement C3 Rs. 500.00
Complement C4 Rs. 500.00
Coombs Test Rs. 300.00 (Direct)
Cortisol Test Rs. 600.00 (6 - 10 AM / 4- 8 PM)
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test Rs. 400.00
Creatinine Clearance Test Rs. 400.00
Creatinine Test Rs. 170.00 (Serum)
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test Rs. 350.00
CT Scan Rs. 3000.00 (Brain with Contrast / Ankle Joint / Elbow Joint / Hip Joint / Forearm / Femur)
CT Scan Rs. 2000.00 (Brain Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 4800.00 (Abdomen / IVP / KUB)
CT Scan Rs. 2200.00 (CT Scan (Screening))
CT Scan Rs. 6000.00 (Abdomen with Contrast or IVP with Contrast or KUB with Contrast or Urography with Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 10000.00 (Peripheral Angiography / Renal Angiography / Pulmonary Angiography)
D Dimer Test Rs. 1000.00
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 1300.00 (IgM)
DHEA Test Rs. 500.00 (Sulphate (DHEAS))
ECG Rs. 180.00
EEG Rs. 1000.00
Electrolytes Test Rs. 500.00 (Serum)
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test Rs. 150.00
Estradiol (E2) Test Rs. 500.00
Ferritin Test Rs. 800.00
FNAC Test Rs. 800.00
Folic Acid Test Rs. 750.00
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 500.00
Fungal Culture Test Rs. 500.00
G6PD Test Rs. 1000.00
Gamma GT (GGTP) Test Rs. 350.00
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Rs. 400.00
Gram Stain Test Rs. 250.00
HbA1C Test Rs. 500.00
HBeAb (Hepatitis B Antibody) Rs. 800.00
HBsAg Test Rs. 500.00 (Elisa)
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 500.00 (Elisa)
HDL Cholesterol Rs. 200.00
Helicobacter Pylori Test Rs. 1000.00 (IgG or IgM)
Helicobacter Pylori Test Rs. 2500.00 (IgA)
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test Rs. 100.00
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Rs. 800.00
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Test Rs. 700.00 (HSV 1 IgG / HSV 1 IgM / HSV 2 IgG / HSV 2 IgM)
HGH Test Rs. 500.00
HIV Test Rs. 2600.00 (HIV Western Blot)
HLA B27 Test Rs. 1500.00
Insulin Test Rs. 650.00 (Fasting & Post lunch)
Iron Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum)
L. E. Cells Test Rs. 400.00
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum / Fluid)
LDL Cholesterol Rs. 300.00
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test Rs. 500.00
Lipase Test Rs. 700.00 (Serum / Fluid)
Lipid Profile Rs. 550.00
Lithium Test Rs. 500.00
Liver Function Test (LFT) Rs. 550.00
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Test Rs. 1500.00
Magnesium Test Rs. 500.00 (24 hrs Urine)
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 120.00
Mammography Rs. 2000.00 (Both Breast)
Microalbumin Test Rs. 500.00
Microfilaria Parasite Test Rs. 2000.00 (Microfilaria Antibodies)
MRI Scan Rs. 6500.00 (Brain / Chest / Abdomen / Single Spine / Arm / Ankle Joint / Elbow Joint / Knee Joint / Mandible / Orbit / Rectum / Thigh / Wrist )
MRI Scan Rs. 3000.00 (MRI Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 10000.00 (Abdomen and Pelvis)
MRI Scan Rs. 7000.00 (Femur / Foot / Hand / Hip / Neck / Pelvis / PNS / Shoulder / SI joint)
MRI Scan Rs. 3500.00 (MRI Screening)
MRI Scan Rs. 7500.00 (Face / Urogram)
PAP Smear Rs. 700.00
Phosphorus Test Rs. 400.00 (Serum)
Platelet Count Rs. 150.00
Potassium Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum)
Progesterone Test Rs. 700.00
Prolactin Test Rs. 550.00
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test Rs. 700.00 (Total)
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test Rs. 900.00 (Free)
PT (Prothrombin Time) Test Rs. 250.00
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Rs. 500.00
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test Rs. 350.00
Rubella Test Rs. 600.00 (IgG / IgM)
Semen Analysis Test Rs. 300.00
SGOT Test Rs. 150.00
SGPT Test Rs. 150.00
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 1200.00 (Breast / Back / Shoulder / Hip Joint / Axilla / Abdomen and Pregnancy / Knee Joint / Soft Tissue)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 800.00 (Abdomen / KUB)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 300.00 (Follicular Study 4th visit)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 1000.00 (Face / Chest / Single Ankle / Neck / Thig / Thyroid / parotid swlogram)
Sputum Culture Rs. 400.00
Stool Routine Rs. 120.00
Stress Test (TMT) Rs. 1000.00 (TMT)
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 250.00
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 450.00 (Free)
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 450.00 (Free)
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 250.00
Testosterone Test Rs. 600.00 (Total)
Thyroglobulin Test Rs. 700.00
Thyroid Test Rs. 500.00 (Thyroid Function Test (T3 T4 TSH))
TORCH Test Rs. 2000.00 (8 (IgG & IgM))
TORCH Test Rs. 700.00 (4 (IgG / IgM))
TORCH Test Rs. 1000.00 (5 (IgG / IgM))
Total Protein Test Rs. 170.00
Total Protein Test Rs. 180.00 (Serum)
Transferrin Test Rs. 1000.00
Triglycerides Test Rs. 200.00
Troponin-I Test Rs. 2400.00 (Troponin I (Quantitative))
Troponin-I Test Rs. 1200.00 (Troponin I (Qualitative))
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 250.00
Urea Test Rs. 170.00 (Serum)
Uric Acid Test Rs. 170.00 (Serum)
Urine Culture Rs. 400.00
Urine Routine Rs. 80.00
Valproic Acid Rs. 700.00
VDRL Test Rs. 250.00
Vitamin B12 Test Rs. 700.00
Vitamin D Test Rs. 1200.00 (Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy))
VLDL Test Rs. 300.00
Widal Test Rs. 250.00 (Slide)
Widal Test Rs. 350.00 (Tube)
X-Ray Rs. 400.00 (Both Views)
X-Ray Rs. 200.00 (Single View)

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