List of Diseases and Conditions
Every individual is affected by diseases and common illnesses. Though many take precautionary measures to avoid such ailments and all undergo medical treatment if affected by any of these diseases, there is always some query that remains unanswered; either due to negligence, or lack of knowledge regarding the ailment in question.
To help you understand minutest of details related to various illnesses, diseases and conditions, endeavors to educate you via its comprehensive coverage of diseases list in alphabetical order for ease of finding specific ailment. You can know about symptoms, causes, prevention methods, diagnostic tests, treatment methods and just about everything related to diseases, medical conditions and common illnesses here.
Browse through our list of diseases and conditions, in alphabetical order and ensure that you know everything about these ailments.
Diseases and Conditions
Every disease/condition in this list comprises of a set of frequently asked questions along with their respective answers. We will keep updating this list as our intent is to increase awareness about these ailments. People in India are less aware and more negligent when it comes to "Health." This is our sincere effort to help people in India make informed health care decisions.