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Sai Diagnostics Laboratory

Sai Diagnostics Laboratory (Panchkula)

Flat No-342, Ground Floor, Block - D3, Penta Homes, VIP Road, Zirakpur HO, Chandigarh - , Panchkula, Haryana - 140603

Phone: 172-3310550

Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Sai Diagnostics Laboratory

Diagnostic Test NameView Price
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test Rs. 1500.00
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test Rs. 800.00
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test Rs. 450.00
Anti CCP (ACCP) Test Rs. 600.00
Anti TPO Test Rs. 450.00
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test Rs. 1200.00
Antithyroglobulin Antibody Test Rs. 550.00
Antithyroid Microsomal Antibody (AMA) Test Rs. 1800.00
Beta HCG Test Rs. 700.00
Blood Culture Test Rs. 350.00
CA 15.3 Test Rs. 800.00
CA-125 (Tumor Marker) Test Rs. 1000.00
Cardiolipin Antibodies (ACL) Rs. 850.00
Color Doppler Rs. 2000.00 (Arterial / Venous Single Limb)
Color Doppler Rs. 4000.00 (Arterial / Venous Both Limb)
Color Doppler Rs. 3000.00 (Renal Doppler)
Coombs Test Rs. 250.00
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test Rs. 250.00
CT Scan Rs. 2500.00 (Plain Brain)
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 450.00
ECG Rs. 250.00
Estradiol (E2) Test Rs. 650.00
Ferritin Test Rs. 350.00
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 500.00
G6PD Test Rs. 350.00
Gamma GT (GGTP) Test Rs. 150.00
Globulin Test Rs. 150.00
Gram Stain Test Rs. 120.00
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 750.00
HDL Cholesterol Rs. 150.00
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Rs. 450.00
Hepatitis E Test Rs. 1000.00
HLA B27 Test Rs. 1000.00
HSG Test Rs. 1500.00
Insulin Test Rs. 450.00
Iron Test Rs. 350.00
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test Rs. 450.00
Lipase Test Rs. 550.00
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Test Rs. 500.00
Magnesium Test Rs. 150.00
Mantoux Test Rs. 120.00
MRI Scan Rs. 7000.00 (Brain With Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 2500.00 (Plain Brain)
MRI Scan Rs. 6000.00 (brain with screening)
Phosphorus Test Rs. 120.00
Pleural Fluid Analysis Rs. 250.00
Progesterone Test Rs. 650.00
Protein Test Rs. 150.00
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test Rs. 450.00
PT (Prothrombin Time) Test Rs. 250.00
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test Rs. 850.00
Reticulocyte Count Test Rs. 100.00
Rubella Test Rs. 350.00
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 350.00 (Abdomen)
Sputum Routine Test Rs. 100.00
Stool Culture Rs. 350.00
Stress Test (TMT) Rs. 800.00
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 250.00
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 250.00
TORCH Test Rs. 2000.00
Triglycerides Test Rs. 250.00
Triple Marker Test Rs. 1800.00
Typhidot Test Rs. 200.00
Urine Culture Rs. 250.00
Vitamin C Test Rs. 1500.00
