Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Saral Diagnostic Centre
Diagnostic Test Name | View Price |
2D Echo | Rs. 2000.00 |
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test | Rs. 1350.00 |
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test | Rs. 150.00 |
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test | Rs. 700.00 |
Aldolase Test | Rs. 691.00 |
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test | Rs. 120.00 |
Ammonia Test | Rs. 950.00 |
Amylase Test | Rs. 350.00 |
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test | Rs. 570.00 (IgG) |
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test | Rs. 1250.00 (IFA) |
ANC Profile | Rs. 1600.00 |
ANCA Profile | Rs. 1350.00 (C - ANCA) |
Anti TPO Test | Rs. 1000.00 |
Antithyroglobulin Antibody Test | Rs. 1000.00 |
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Test | Rs. 300.00 |
ASO Test | Rs. 300.00 |
ASO Test | Rs. 450.00 (Immunoturbidimetry) |
Beta HCG Test | Rs. 650.00 |
Bilirubin Test | Rs. 200.00 |
Biopsy | Rs. 1200.00 (BIG) |
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test | Rs. 150.00 (Bleeding or Clotting) |
Blood Culture Test | Rs. 850.00 |
Blood Group Test | Rs. 150.00 |
Blood Sugar Test | Rs. 80.00 (Fasting or PP) |
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test | Rs. 120.00 |
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan | Rs. 3000.00 (Dexa Double Site) |
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan | Rs. 2200.00 (Dexa Single Site) |
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan | Rs. 4000.00 (Dexa Three Sites) |
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan | Rs. 5500.00 (Dexa Whole Body) |
CA 15.3 Test | Rs. 1130.00 |
CA 19.9 Test | Rs. 1130.00 |
CA-125 (Tumor Marker) Test | Rs. 1100.00 |
Calcium Test | Rs. 130.00 |
Calcium Test | Rs. 300.00 (Ionic) |
CBC / Hemogram Test | Rs. 350.00 |
CD4 Test | Rs. 1370.00 |
CD4 Test | Rs. 1800.00 (with CD8) |
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) Test | Rs. 650.00 |
Chloride Test | Rs. 150.00 |
Cholesterol Test | Rs. 120.00 |
CK-MB Test | Rs. 350.00 |
Color Doppler | Rs. 6000.00 (All Four Limbs Venous.) |
Color Doppler | Rs. 10000.00 (All Four Limbs Arterial & Venous.) |
Color Doppler | Rs. 3600.00 (Both Limbs Arterial) |
Color Doppler | Rs. 2200.00 (Carotid With Vertebral Arteries (Both Sides)) |
Complement C3 | Rs. 650.00 |
Complement C4 | Rs. 650.00 |
Coombs Test | Rs. 400.00 (Indirect) |
Coombs Test | Rs. 350.00 (Direct) |
Cortisol Test | Rs. 500.00 |
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test | Rs. 300.00 |
Creatinine Clearance Test | Rs. 300.00 |
Creatinine Test | Rs. 120.00 |
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test | Rs. 350.00 |
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test | Rs. 650.00 (High Sensitivity) |
CT Scan | Rs. 12000.00 (Angio Combo study / Chest With Pulmonary Angio Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 3500.00 (Sinogram / Fistulogram (Scan chages only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5500.00 (Chest With Lower Neck (Scan Charges Only) / Pelvis (Bony) With Both Hip Joint (Scan Charges Only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 8400.00 (Abdomen Whole With Urography (Scan Charges Only) / Neck + Chest Plain) |
CT Scan | Rs. 4400.00 (Abdomen Lower / Pelvis / Neck Plain / Face Plain / Abdomen Upper Plain) |
CT Scan | Rs. 12500.00 (Angiography coronary - Scan charges only) |
CT Scan | Rs. 3700.00 (Spine Plain (3 Intervertebral Levels )) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5600.00 (Abdomen Upper With Biphasic / Triphasic scan of Liver (Scan Charges Only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 8500.00 (Myelography (Including procedure charges & contrast)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 7500.00 (Abdomen Upper With quadraphasic scan of Liver (contrast)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 13000.00 (CT Chest + HRCT Chest + Pulmonary Angio (Scan Charges Only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 4000.00 (Inner Ear / Temporal Bone / Mastoid HRCT - Axial & Coronal Plain / Kinematic study (for joints) / Orbit Axial & Coronal Both Plain / Orbit Axial / Coronal Each Contrast / Pituitary Fossa / sella turcica Plain - Axial & Coronal / PNS Axial & Coronal Both) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5700.00 (Abdomen Whole Plain) |
CT Scan | Rs. 8800.00 (Spine Eleven Extra Vertebral Level) |
CT Scan | Rs. 7000.00 (Abdomen Upper With Biphasic / Triphasic scan of Liver (contrast) / Abdomen Upper With Lower Chest Plain / Whole Abdomen With Adrenals Protocol (scan charges only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 14000.00 (Triple rule out study) |
CT Scan | Rs. 4100.00 (Head Plain & Contrast (Including Contrast Cost) / Head With Limited Study Of Orbits (Contrast) / Head With Limited Study Of PNS Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 6000.00 (Chest Contrast / CV Junction Contrast / Nephrostogram) |
CT Scan | Rs. 9000.00 (Angiography Pulmonary/ Neck (Carotid) / Brain (Cerebral) / Aortic Arch/ Renal / Abdominal / Face (Mouth) each scan charges only) |
CT Scan | Rs. 2000.00 (Biphasic Liver) |
CT Scan | Rs. 15000.00 (Angiography Coronary - Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 4200.00 (Musculoskeletal Plain ( With 3 D Reconstruction)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 6400.00 (HRCT Chest + CT Chest (Plain)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 9500.00 (Abdomen Whole With Urography Contrast / Angiography Peripheral - Upper / Lower limbs (Scan Charges Only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 2200.00 (Denta Scan) |
CT Scan | Rs. 4500.00 (Dynamic Perfusion Scan - each ROI - Contrast / KUB Plain / PNS Axial , Coronal & Saggital Plain) |
CT Scan | Rs. 16000.00 (Aortagraphy - Thoracic +Abdominal with contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 6500.00 (KUB Contrast (Including Plain Study & Contrast Charges)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 9700.00 (Chest & Upper Abdomen Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 2300.00 (Head Plain) |
CT Scan | Rs. 4600.00 (Chest Plain) |
CT Scan | Rs. 18000.00 (Whole Body Scan (Scan Charges Only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 6600.00 (Urography (Scan Chages Only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 10000.00 (Abdomen whole With quadraphasic scan of Liver (contrast) / Chest & Whole Abdomen (Scan Charges Only) / Chest For Virtual Bronchoscopy (Scan Charges Only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 2500.00 (Scanogram) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5000.00 (CV Junction (Scan Charges Only) / Orbit Axial & Coronal Both Contrast / Pituitary Fossa / sella turcica Contrast - Axial & Coronal / PNS Axial & Coronal Both Contrast / Sella Turcica- Axial & Coronal Both Contrast / Sinogram / Fistulogram With Contra) |
CT Scan | Rs. 20000.00 (Whole Body Scan With Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 6700.00 (Pelvis (Bony) With Both Hip Joint With Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 10500.00 (Neck + Chest With Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 3000.00 (Orbit Axial / Coronal Each Plain / PNS Axial / Coronal Each Plain / Sella Turcica- Axial / Coronal Each Plain / Submandibular Area) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5200.00 (Musculoskeletal Contrast (With 3 D Reconstruction)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 7500.00 (Abdomen Whole Plain & Contrast (Scan Charges Only) / Abdomen Whole With Biphasic / Triphasic Study (Scan Charges Only) / Abdomen Whole With Contrast Charges) |
CT Scan | Rs. 11000.00 (Angiography Pulmonary/ Neck(Carotid) / Brain (Cerebral) / Aortic Arch/ Renal / Abdominal / Face (Mouth) Each Contrast.) |
CT Scan | Rs. 3100.00 (Head Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5300.00 (KUB Contrast (Including Plain study) ( Scan charges only)) |
CT Scan | Rs. 7800.00 (HRCT Chest + CT Chest With Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 11200.00 (Virtual Colonoscopy / Bronchoscopy / Angioscopy Each Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 3300.00 (Head Plain & Contrast (Scan Charges Only) / Head With Limited Study Of Orbits Plain / Head With Limited Study Of PNS Plain) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5400.00 (HRCT Chest - Plain / Inner Ear / Temporal Bone / Mastoid HRCT - Axial & Coronal With Contrast) |
CT Scan | Rs. 8000.00 (Abdomen Upper With Lower Chest Contrast / Chest & Lower Abdomen (Scan Charges Only) / Chest & Upper Abdomen (Scan Charges Only) / Cisternography (Scan + LP Chages Only) / CT Guided Nerve Root Block (including procedure charges & disposables) / Neck & Fa) |
CT Scan | Rs. 5800.00 (Abdomen Lower / Pelvis Contrast / Abdomen Upper Contrast / Neck Contrast / ) |
D Dimer Test | Rs. 1120.00 |
Dengue IgG Test | Rs. 500.00 |
Dengue IgM Test | Rs. 500.00 |
Dengue NS1 Test | Rs. 1800.00 |
DHEA Test | Rs. 2030.00 |
DHEA Test | Rs. 850.00 (S) |
Double Marker Test | Rs. 2000.00 |
ECG | Rs. 900.00 (ECG At Home (With Long Lead)) |
ECG | Rs. 300.00 (ECG With Long Lead) |
ECG | Rs. 250.00 |
ECG | Rs. 800.00 (at Home) |
EEG | Rs. 2000.00 (Digital (1/2 Hr. Record)) |
EEG | Rs. 1500.00 (Digital) |
EEG | Rs. 3000.00 (Digital (1hrs Record)) |
EEG | Rs. 1500.00 (Sleep Deprived) |
EEG | Rs. 2500.00 (Digital (45 Min.Record)) |
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test | Rs. 100.00 |
Estradiol (E2) Test | Rs. 600.00 |
Ferritin Test | Rs. 600.00 |
Folic Acid Test | Rs. 900.00 |
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test | Rs. 450.00 |
Fungal Culture Test | Rs. 700.00 |
G6PD Test | Rs. 700.00 |
Gamma GT (GGTP) Test | Rs. 300.00 |
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) | Rs. 230.00 |
HBsAg Test | Rs. 550.00 |
HCV Antibody Test | Rs. 7750.00 (Quantitative Antigen) |
HCV Antibody Test | Rs. 1250.00 (Antigen Rapid) |
HDL Cholesterol | Rs. 300.00 |
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test | Rs. 100.00 |
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis | Rs. 820.00 |
HGH Test | Rs. 700.00 |
HIV Test | Rs. 600.00 (ELISA) |
HIV Test | Rs. 4750.00 (1 RNA Quantitative Real Time PCR) |
HIV Test | Rs. 3500.00 (HIV I & II antibody Western Blood) |
Homocysteine Test | Rs. 750.00 |
Insulin Test | Rs. 600.00 |
Insulin Test | Rs. 1850.00 (Antibodies) |
Iron Test | Rs. 350.00 |
Kidney / Renal Function Test | Rs. 750.00 |
L. E. Cells Test | Rs. 350.00 |
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test | Rs. 350.00 |
LDL Cholesterol | Rs. 350.00 |
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test | Rs. 450.00 |
Lipase Test | Rs. 500.00 |
Lipid Profile | Rs. 800.00 |
Lipoprotein A / LP(a) Test | Rs. 900.00 |
Lithium Test | Rs. 350.00 |
Liver Function Test (LFT) | Rs. 550.00 |
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Test | Rs. 1600.00 |
Magnesium Test | Rs. 450.00 |
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test | Rs. 1000.00 (Antigen) |
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test | Rs. 120.00 (Smear) |
Mammography | Rs. 2200.00 (Both Breast) |
Mammography | Rs. 1500.00 (Single Breast) |
Microfilaria Parasite Test | Rs. 350.00 (Peripheral Smear) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 11000.00 (BRAIN MRI + MRV / Orbit MRI + MRV) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 11500.00 ( / Face with contrast / Chest Contrast / Pelvis with contrast/ Wrist (Lt) contrast / LOW BACKACHE PROTOCOL) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 20000.00 (Ankle Joints Both side Contrast / Knee Joints Both side Contrast) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 3500.00 (Screening Bony Pelvis / Screening Brain / Screening Hip Joint / Screening Knee (Lt) / Screening LS Spine / Screening SI Joints) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 4000.00 (Screening Brachial Plexus / Screening Leg / Screening Shoulder) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 6000.00 (SCREENING WHOLE SPINE / TM Joints Both Site Plain / TM Joints Both Site Contrast) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 12500.00 (TIA PROTOCOL) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 7000.00 (ABDOMEN UPPER / Angio BRAIN / Angio NECK / Brain - MRV / Cheek / DL Spine / Knee joint (Lt) Plain / Lumbar Spine / ORBIT / Pelvis (Bony Pelvis) With Hip Joint / Sacrococcyx Spine / Thigh / Thyroid) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 13500.00 (Brain (Epilepsy Protocol) + MRA Brain) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 7500.00 (MASTOID) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 14000.00 (Knee Joints both side Plain / WHOLE BODY SCREENING FOR METASTASIS) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 8000.00 (Abdomen Lower (Pelvis Plain) / Adrenals / Ankle Joint (Lt) Plain / Axilla (One side) / Base of skull / BRAIN WITH PNS / CHEST / Elbow Left / Face / Forearm / Foot (Lt) Plain / Liver / Penis / Pilonidal Sinus / Temporal Bone / Tongue / Wrist Joint (Rt) Pl) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 14500.00 (Angiography Renal with Contrast) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 9000.00 (BRACHIAL PLEXUS / BRAIN WITH ORBITS / Obstetric / Fetal) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 15000.00 (Ankle Joints Both side Plain) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 16000.00 (Shoulder Both Joints Plain) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 10500.00 (ABDOMEN UPPER WITH CONTRAST / Angio Brain With Contrast / CERVICAL SPINE CONTRAST / Angiography Neck With Contrast / Knee joint (Lt) Contrast / Lumbo-sacral Spine with Contrast / PNS With Contrast) |
MRI Scan | Rs. 17000.00 (BRAIN - SOL PROTOCOL (MRI + DWI + ADC + Perfusion Imaging + 3D Multiple Voxel Spectroscopy) with Contrast) |
NT Scan | Rs. 1500.00 |
PAP Smear | Rs. 700.00 (Procedure + Reporting Charges) |
PAP Smear | Rs. 500.00 (Reporting Only) |
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) Test | Rs. 120.00 |
Phosphorus Test | Rs. 130.00 |
Platelet Count | Rs. 150.00 |
Potassium Test | Rs. 150.00 |
Pregnancy Test | Rs. 120.00 |
Progesterone Test | Rs. 600.00 |
Prolactin Test | Rs. 450.00 |
Protein/Creatinine Ratio | Rs. 500.00 |
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test | Rs. 700.00 (Free) |
PT (Prothrombin Time) Test | Rs. 250.00 |
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test | Rs. 1400.00 |
Reticulocyte Count Test | Rs. 200.00 |
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test | Rs. 350.00 (Immunoturbidimetric) |
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test | Rs. 300.00 |
Rubella Test | Rs. 550.00 (IgG / IgM) |
SGOT Test | Rs. 130.00 |
SGPT Test | Rs. 130.00 |
Sickling Test | Rs. 200.00 |
Sodium Test | Rs. 150.00 |
Sputum Routine Test | Rs. 240.00 |
Stool Culture | Rs. 450.00 |
Stool Routine | Rs. 100.00 |
Stress Test (TMT) | Rs. 3700.00 |
Swine Flu Test (H1N1) | Rs. 5500.00 |
Synovial Fluid Analysis | Rs. 650.00 |
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test | Rs. 250.00 (Total) |
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test | Rs. 300.00 (Free) |
T4 (Thyroxine) Test | Rs. 250.00 (Total) |
T4 (Thyroxine) Test | Rs. 300.00 (Free) |
T4 (Thyroxine) Test | Rs. 600.00 (with TSH) |
TB Test | Rs. 2800.00 |
Testosterone Test | Rs. 600.00 (Total) |
Testosterone Test | Rs. 1730.00 (Free) |
Thyroglobulin Test | Rs. 1600.00 |
Thyroid Test | Rs. 700.00 |
Thyroid Test | Rs. 600.00 (Total) |
TORCH Test | Rs. 2000.00 (IgG / IgM) |
Transferrin Test | Rs. 830.00 |
Transferrin Test | Rs. 700.00 (% age Saturation) |
Triglycerides Test | Rs. 220.00 |
Triple Marker Test | Rs. 2600.00 |
Troponin-I Test | Rs. 1350.00 |
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test | Rs. 300.00 |
Typhidot Test | Rs. 550.00 |
Urea Test | Rs. 120.00 |
Uric Acid Test | Rs. 120.00 |
Urine Routine | Rs. 100.00 |
VDRL Test | Rs. 150.00 |
Vitamin B12 Test | Rs. 900.00 |
Vitamin D Test | Rs. 3350.00 |
Vitamin D Test | Rs. 1240.00 (17 OH) |
Vitamin D Test | Rs. 1570.00 (25 Hydroxy) |
VLDL Test | Rs. 200.00 |
Widal Test | Rs. 200.00 |
X-Ray | Rs. 1070.00 (SI Joint Both Sides PA & Oblique) |
X-Ray | Rs. 4000.00 (Barium Complete GIT) |
X-Ray | Rs. 1100.00 (Fluroscopy Chest) |
X-Ray | Rs. 1200.00 (Whole Lower Limb AP / Whole Spine AP / Whole Spine Lat View) |
X-Ray | Rs. 1400.00 (Femur Both Side AP & Lat Views / 4 Films / TM Joints Both Sides - Open & Closed Mouth Views) |
X-Ray | Rs. 1500.00 (Whole Spine AP & Lat / Whole Spine Rt & Lt Bending) |
X-Ray | Rs. 2000.00 (Barium Swallow / Cologram / Distal Ileogram) |
X-Ray | Rs. 2200.00 (Nephrostogram (One Side) / Umbilicogram) |
X-Ray | Rs. 2500.00 (Barium Meal & Follow Through (BMFT) / Barium Meal UGIT / Cholangiogram / Cystogram) |
X-Ray | Rs. 350.00 (Abdomen Erect / Ankle (Both) / Apicogram / Bladder / Spine / Chest / Clavicle / Coccyx / Dorsal Spine / Elbow (Both) / Feet (Both) / Femur / Finger / Fore Arm / Hands (Both) / Heel (Both) / HIP / KUB / Leg / Mandible / Mastoids / Nasal Bone / Pelvis / Or) |
X-Ray | Rs. 2700.00 (Gastrograffin Upper GI Study) |
X-Ray | Rs. 700.00 (Abdomen Erect & Spine / Feet Both (AP & Oblique or Lat) / 2 Films / Dorsal Spine (AP & Lat) / Skull AP &Lat Views / TM Joint (one side) Open & Closed Mouth) |
X-Ray | Rs. 3000.00 (Barium Enema (Single/Double Contrast)) |
X-Ray | Rs. 1050.00 (Mastoids (Townes & Schullers Views Both Sides) / 3 Films / ) |
X-Ray | Rs. 3500.00 (Barium Swallow & Meal) |