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Saral Diagnostic Centre

Saral Diagnostic Centre (New Delhi)

House No. 2, 3 & 9, Shakti Vihar, Pitampura, New Delhi, Delhi - 110034

Phone: 011 4711 1111

Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Saral Diagnostic Centre

Diagnostic Test NameView Price
2D Echo Rs. 2000.00
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test Rs. 1350.00
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test Rs. 150.00
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test Rs. 700.00
Aldolase Test Rs. 691.00
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test Rs. 120.00
Ammonia Test Rs. 950.00
Amylase Test Rs. 350.00
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test Rs. 570.00 (IgG)
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test Rs. 1250.00 (IFA)
ANC Profile Rs. 1600.00
ANCA Profile Rs. 1350.00 (C - ANCA)
Anti TPO Test Rs. 1000.00
Antithyroglobulin Antibody Test Rs. 1000.00
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Test Rs. 300.00
ASO Test Rs. 300.00
ASO Test Rs. 450.00 (Immunoturbidimetry)
Beta HCG Test Rs. 650.00
Bilirubin Test Rs. 200.00
Biopsy Rs. 1200.00 (BIG)
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test Rs. 150.00 (Bleeding or Clotting)
Blood Culture Test Rs. 850.00
Blood Group Test Rs. 150.00
Blood Sugar Test Rs. 80.00 (Fasting or PP)
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Rs. 120.00
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan Rs. 3000.00 (Dexa Double Site)
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan Rs. 2200.00 (Dexa Single Site)
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan Rs. 4000.00 (Dexa Three Sites)
Bone Density Test / Dexa Scan Rs. 5500.00 (Dexa Whole Body)
CA 15.3 Test Rs. 1130.00
CA 19.9 Test Rs. 1130.00
CA-125 (Tumor Marker) Test Rs. 1100.00
Calcium Test Rs. 130.00
Calcium Test Rs. 300.00 (Ionic)
CBC / Hemogram Test Rs. 350.00
CD4 Test Rs. 1370.00
CD4 Test Rs. 1800.00 (with CD8)
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) Test Rs. 650.00
Chloride Test Rs. 150.00
Cholesterol Test Rs. 120.00
CK-MB Test Rs. 350.00
Color Doppler Rs. 6000.00 (All Four Limbs Venous.)
Color Doppler Rs. 10000.00 (All Four Limbs Arterial & Venous.)
Color Doppler Rs. 3600.00 (Both Limbs Arterial)
Color Doppler Rs. 2200.00 (Carotid With Vertebral Arteries (Both Sides))
Complement C3 Rs. 650.00
Complement C4 Rs. 650.00
Coombs Test Rs. 400.00 (Indirect)
Coombs Test Rs. 350.00 (Direct)
Cortisol Test Rs. 500.00
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test Rs. 300.00
Creatinine Clearance Test Rs. 300.00
Creatinine Test Rs. 120.00
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test Rs. 350.00
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test Rs. 650.00 (High Sensitivity)
CT Scan Rs. 12000.00 (Angio Combo study / Chest With Pulmonary Angio Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 3500.00 (Sinogram / Fistulogram (Scan chages only))
CT Scan Rs. 5500.00 (Chest With Lower Neck (Scan Charges Only) / Pelvis (Bony) With Both Hip Joint (Scan Charges Only))
CT Scan Rs. 8400.00 (Abdomen Whole With Urography (Scan Charges Only) / Neck + Chest Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 4400.00 (Abdomen Lower / Pelvis / Neck Plain / Face Plain / Abdomen Upper Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 12500.00 (Angiography coronary - Scan charges only)
CT Scan Rs. 3700.00 (Spine Plain (3 Intervertebral Levels ))
CT Scan Rs. 5600.00 (Abdomen Upper With Biphasic / Triphasic scan of Liver (Scan Charges Only))
CT Scan Rs. 8500.00 (Myelography (Including procedure charges & contrast))
CT Scan Rs. 7500.00 (Abdomen Upper With quadraphasic scan of Liver (contrast))
CT Scan Rs. 13000.00 (CT Chest + HRCT Chest + Pulmonary Angio (Scan Charges Only))
CT Scan Rs. 4000.00 (Inner Ear / Temporal Bone / Mastoid HRCT - Axial & Coronal Plain / Kinematic study (for joints) / Orbit Axial & Coronal Both Plain / Orbit Axial / Coronal Each Contrast / Pituitary Fossa / sella turcica Plain - Axial & Coronal / PNS Axial & Coronal Both)
CT Scan Rs. 5700.00 (Abdomen Whole Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 8800.00 (Spine Eleven Extra Vertebral Level)
CT Scan Rs. 7000.00 (Abdomen Upper With Biphasic / Triphasic scan of Liver (contrast) / Abdomen Upper With Lower Chest Plain / Whole Abdomen With Adrenals Protocol (scan charges only))
CT Scan Rs. 14000.00 (Triple rule out study)
CT Scan Rs. 4100.00 (Head Plain & Contrast (Including Contrast Cost) / Head With Limited Study Of Orbits (Contrast) / Head With Limited Study Of PNS Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 6000.00 (Chest Contrast / CV Junction Contrast / Nephrostogram)
CT Scan Rs. 9000.00 (Angiography Pulmonary/ Neck (Carotid) / Brain (Cerebral) / Aortic Arch/ Renal / Abdominal / Face (Mouth) each scan charges only)
CT Scan Rs. 2000.00 (Biphasic Liver)
CT Scan Rs. 15000.00 (Angiography Coronary - Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 4200.00 (Musculoskeletal Plain ( With 3 D Reconstruction))
CT Scan Rs. 6400.00 (HRCT Chest + CT Chest (Plain))
CT Scan Rs. 9500.00 (Abdomen Whole With Urography Contrast / Angiography Peripheral - Upper / Lower limbs (Scan Charges Only))
CT Scan Rs. 2200.00 (Denta Scan)
CT Scan Rs. 4500.00 (Dynamic Perfusion Scan - each ROI - Contrast / KUB Plain / PNS Axial , Coronal & Saggital Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 16000.00 (Aortagraphy - Thoracic +Abdominal with contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 6500.00 (KUB Contrast (Including Plain Study & Contrast Charges))
CT Scan Rs. 9700.00 (Chest & Upper Abdomen Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 2300.00 (Head Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 4600.00 (Chest Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 18000.00 (Whole Body Scan (Scan Charges Only))
CT Scan Rs. 6600.00 (Urography (Scan Chages Only))
CT Scan Rs. 10000.00 (Abdomen whole With quadraphasic scan of Liver (contrast) / Chest & Whole Abdomen (Scan Charges Only) / Chest For Virtual Bronchoscopy (Scan Charges Only))
CT Scan Rs. 2500.00 (Scanogram)
CT Scan Rs. 5000.00 (CV Junction (Scan Charges Only) / Orbit Axial & Coronal Both Contrast / Pituitary Fossa / sella turcica Contrast - Axial & Coronal / PNS Axial & Coronal Both Contrast / Sella Turcica- Axial & Coronal Both Contrast / Sinogram / Fistulogram With Contra)
CT Scan Rs. 20000.00 (Whole Body Scan With Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 6700.00 (Pelvis (Bony) With Both Hip Joint With Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 10500.00 (Neck + Chest With Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 3000.00 (Orbit Axial / Coronal Each Plain / PNS Axial / Coronal Each Plain / Sella Turcica- Axial / Coronal Each Plain / Submandibular Area)
CT Scan Rs. 5200.00 (Musculoskeletal Contrast (With 3 D Reconstruction))
CT Scan Rs. 7500.00 (Abdomen Whole Plain & Contrast (Scan Charges Only) / Abdomen Whole With Biphasic / Triphasic Study (Scan Charges Only) / Abdomen Whole With Contrast Charges)
CT Scan Rs. 11000.00 (Angiography Pulmonary/ Neck(Carotid) / Brain (Cerebral) / Aortic Arch/ Renal / Abdominal / Face (Mouth) Each Contrast.)
CT Scan Rs. 3100.00 (Head Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 5300.00 (KUB Contrast (Including Plain study) ( Scan charges only))
CT Scan Rs. 7800.00 (HRCT Chest + CT Chest With Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 11200.00 (Virtual Colonoscopy / Bronchoscopy / Angioscopy Each Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 3300.00 (Head Plain & Contrast (Scan Charges Only) / Head With Limited Study Of Orbits Plain / Head With Limited Study Of PNS Plain)
CT Scan Rs. 5400.00 (HRCT Chest - Plain / Inner Ear / Temporal Bone / Mastoid HRCT - Axial & Coronal With Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 8000.00 (Abdomen Upper With Lower Chest Contrast / Chest & Lower Abdomen (Scan Charges Only) / Chest & Upper Abdomen (Scan Charges Only) / Cisternography (Scan + LP Chages Only) / CT Guided Nerve Root Block (including procedure charges & disposables) / Neck & Fa)
CT Scan Rs. 5800.00 (Abdomen Lower / Pelvis Contrast / Abdomen Upper Contrast / Neck Contrast / )
D Dimer Test Rs. 1120.00
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 500.00
Dengue IgM Test Rs. 500.00
Dengue NS1 Test Rs. 1800.00
DHEA Test Rs. 2030.00
DHEA Test Rs. 850.00 (S)
Double Marker Test Rs. 2000.00
ECG Rs. 900.00 (ECG At Home (With Long Lead))
ECG Rs. 300.00 (ECG With Long Lead)
ECG Rs. 250.00
ECG Rs. 800.00 (at Home)
EEG Rs. 2000.00 (Digital (1/2 Hr. Record))
EEG Rs. 1500.00 (Digital)
EEG Rs. 3000.00 (Digital (1hrs Record))
EEG Rs. 1500.00 (Sleep Deprived)
EEG Rs. 2500.00 (Digital (45 Min.Record))
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test Rs. 100.00
Estradiol (E2) Test Rs. 600.00
Ferritin Test Rs. 600.00
Folic Acid Test Rs. 900.00
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 450.00
Fungal Culture Test Rs. 700.00
G6PD Test Rs. 700.00
Gamma GT (GGTP) Test Rs. 300.00
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Rs. 230.00
HBsAg Test Rs. 550.00
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 7750.00 (Quantitative Antigen)
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 1250.00 (Antigen Rapid)
HDL Cholesterol Rs. 300.00
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test Rs. 100.00
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Rs. 820.00
HGH Test Rs. 700.00
HIV Test Rs. 600.00 (ELISA)
HIV Test Rs. 4750.00 (1 RNA Quantitative Real Time PCR)
HIV Test Rs. 3500.00 (HIV I & II antibody Western Blood)
Homocysteine Test Rs. 750.00
Insulin Test Rs. 600.00
Insulin Test Rs. 1850.00 (Antibodies)
Iron Test Rs. 350.00
Kidney / Renal Function Test Rs. 750.00
L. E. Cells Test Rs. 350.00
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test Rs. 350.00
LDL Cholesterol Rs. 350.00
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test Rs. 450.00
Lipase Test Rs. 500.00
Lipid Profile Rs. 800.00
Lipoprotein A / LP(a) Test Rs. 900.00
Lithium Test Rs. 350.00
Liver Function Test (LFT) Rs. 550.00
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Test Rs. 1600.00
Magnesium Test Rs. 450.00
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 1000.00 (Antigen)
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 120.00 (Smear)
Mammography Rs. 2200.00 (Both Breast)
Mammography Rs. 1500.00 (Single Breast)
Microfilaria Parasite Test Rs. 350.00 (Peripheral Smear)
MRI Scan Rs. 11000.00 (BRAIN MRI + MRV / Orbit MRI + MRV)
MRI Scan Rs. 11500.00 ( / Face with contrast / Chest Contrast / Pelvis with contrast/ Wrist (Lt) contrast / LOW BACKACHE PROTOCOL)
MRI Scan Rs. 20000.00 (Ankle Joints Both side Contrast / Knee Joints Both side Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 3500.00 (Screening Bony Pelvis / Screening Brain / Screening Hip Joint / Screening Knee (Lt) / Screening LS Spine / Screening SI Joints)
MRI Scan Rs. 4000.00 (Screening Brachial Plexus / Screening Leg / Screening Shoulder)
MRI Scan Rs. 6000.00 (SCREENING WHOLE SPINE / TM Joints Both Site Plain / TM Joints Both Site Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 12500.00 (TIA PROTOCOL)
MRI Scan Rs. 7000.00 (ABDOMEN UPPER / Angio BRAIN / Angio NECK / Brain - MRV / Cheek / DL Spine / Knee joint (Lt) Plain / Lumbar Spine / ORBIT / Pelvis (Bony Pelvis) With Hip Joint / Sacrococcyx Spine / Thigh / Thyroid)
MRI Scan Rs. 13500.00 (Brain (Epilepsy Protocol) + MRA Brain)
MRI Scan Rs. 7500.00 (MASTOID)
MRI Scan Rs. 14000.00 (Knee Joints both side Plain / WHOLE BODY SCREENING FOR METASTASIS)
MRI Scan Rs. 8000.00 (Abdomen Lower (Pelvis Plain) / Adrenals / Ankle Joint (Lt) Plain / Axilla (One side) / Base of skull / BRAIN WITH PNS / CHEST / Elbow Left / Face / Forearm / Foot (Lt) Plain / Liver / Penis / Pilonidal Sinus / Temporal Bone / Tongue / Wrist Joint (Rt) Pl)
MRI Scan Rs. 14500.00 (Angiography Renal with Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 9000.00 (BRACHIAL PLEXUS / BRAIN WITH ORBITS / Obstetric / Fetal)
MRI Scan Rs. 15000.00 (Ankle Joints Both side Plain)
MRI Scan Rs. 16000.00 (Shoulder Both Joints Plain)
MRI Scan Rs. 10500.00 (ABDOMEN UPPER WITH CONTRAST / Angio Brain With Contrast / CERVICAL SPINE CONTRAST / Angiography Neck With Contrast / Knee joint (Lt) Contrast / Lumbo-sacral Spine with Contrast / PNS With Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 17000.00 (BRAIN - SOL PROTOCOL (MRI + DWI + ADC + Perfusion Imaging + 3D Multiple Voxel Spectroscopy) with Contrast)
NT Scan Rs. 1500.00
PAP Smear Rs. 700.00 (Procedure + Reporting Charges)
PAP Smear Rs. 500.00 (Reporting Only)
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) Test Rs. 120.00
Phosphorus Test Rs. 130.00
Platelet Count Rs. 150.00
Potassium Test Rs. 150.00
Pregnancy Test Rs. 120.00
Progesterone Test Rs. 600.00
Prolactin Test Rs. 450.00
Protein/Creatinine Ratio Rs. 500.00
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test Rs. 700.00 (Free)
PT (Prothrombin Time) Test Rs. 250.00
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test Rs. 1400.00
Reticulocyte Count Test Rs. 200.00
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test Rs. 350.00 (Immunoturbidimetric)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test Rs. 300.00
Rubella Test Rs. 550.00 (IgG / IgM)
SGOT Test Rs. 130.00
SGPT Test Rs. 130.00
Sickling Test Rs. 200.00
Sodium Test Rs. 150.00
Sputum Routine Test Rs. 240.00
Stool Culture Rs. 450.00
Stool Routine Rs. 100.00
Stress Test (TMT) Rs. 3700.00
Swine Flu Test (H1N1) Rs. 5500.00
Synovial Fluid Analysis Rs. 650.00
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 250.00 (Total)
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 300.00 (Free)
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 250.00 (Total)
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 300.00 (Free)
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 600.00 (with TSH)
TB Test Rs. 2800.00
Testosterone Test Rs. 600.00 (Total)
Testosterone Test Rs. 1730.00 (Free)
Thyroglobulin Test Rs. 1600.00
Thyroid Test Rs. 700.00
Thyroid Test Rs. 600.00 (Total)
TORCH Test Rs. 2000.00 (IgG / IgM)
Transferrin Test Rs. 830.00
Transferrin Test Rs. 700.00 (% age Saturation)
Triglycerides Test Rs. 220.00
Triple Marker Test Rs. 2600.00
Troponin-I Test Rs. 1350.00
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 300.00
Typhidot Test Rs. 550.00
Urea Test Rs. 120.00
Uric Acid Test Rs. 120.00
Urine Routine Rs. 100.00
VDRL Test Rs. 150.00
Vitamin B12 Test Rs. 900.00
Vitamin D Test Rs. 3350.00
Vitamin D Test Rs. 1240.00 (17 OH)
Vitamin D Test Rs. 1570.00 (25 Hydroxy)
VLDL Test Rs. 200.00
Widal Test Rs. 200.00
X-Ray Rs. 1070.00 (SI Joint Both Sides PA & Oblique)
X-Ray Rs. 4000.00 (Barium Complete GIT)
X-Ray Rs. 1100.00 (Fluroscopy Chest)
X-Ray Rs. 1200.00 (Whole Lower Limb AP / Whole Spine AP / Whole Spine Lat View)
X-Ray Rs. 1400.00 (Femur Both Side AP & Lat Views / 4 Films / TM Joints Both Sides - Open & Closed Mouth Views)
X-Ray Rs. 1500.00 (Whole Spine AP & Lat / Whole Spine Rt & Lt Bending)
X-Ray Rs. 2000.00 (Barium Swallow / Cologram / Distal Ileogram)
X-Ray Rs. 2200.00 (Nephrostogram (One Side) / Umbilicogram)
X-Ray Rs. 2500.00 (Barium Meal & Follow Through (BMFT) / Barium Meal UGIT / Cholangiogram / Cystogram)
X-Ray Rs. 350.00 (Abdomen Erect / Ankle (Both) / Apicogram / Bladder / Spine / Chest / Clavicle / Coccyx / Dorsal Spine / Elbow (Both) / Feet (Both) / Femur / Finger / Fore Arm / Hands (Both) / Heel (Both) / HIP / KUB / Leg / Mandible / Mastoids / Nasal Bone / Pelvis / Or)
X-Ray Rs. 2700.00 (Gastrograffin Upper GI Study)
X-Ray Rs. 700.00 (Abdomen Erect & Spine / Feet Both (AP & Oblique or Lat) / 2 Films / Dorsal Spine (AP & Lat) / Skull AP &Lat Views / TM Joint (one side) Open & Closed Mouth)
X-Ray Rs. 3000.00 (Barium Enema (Single/Double Contrast))
X-Ray Rs. 1050.00 (Mastoids (Townes & Schullers Views Both Sides) / 3 Films / )
X-Ray Rs. 3500.00 (Barium Swallow & Meal)

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