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Radocs Diagnostics [Chamarajpet]

Radocs Diagnostics [Chamarajpet] (Bangalore)

Sri Sai Ram Towers, 24, 5th Main Road, Chamrajpet, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560018


At Radocs we believe in "Service through ultimate technology" which we have realized with some of the most Advanced Imaging Systems in the world at our centre.

It is plain truth that modern medicine revolves around the diagnosis which provides the evidence of disease. Efficient patient care requires fast, accurate, consistent and reliable diagnosis.

  • Radocs Diagnostics is a complete Diagnostic Medicare center under one roof.
  • Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, & equipments of International standards.
  • Led by Professionals from Medical Fraternity, of very high standards.
  • Easily accessible in Bangalore with many widely Spread group concerns all around the city.

Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Radocs Diagnostics [Chamarajpet]

Diagnostic Test NameView Price
2D Echo Rs. 1250.00
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test Rs. 3500.00
Adenosine Deaminase Test Rs. 700.00
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test Rs. 100.00
AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) Culture Test Rs. 600.00 (Routine)
AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) Culture Test Rs. 1500.00 (Sensitivity (C/S) Rapid / BACTEC)
AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) Culture Test Rs. 150.00 (For Sputum / For - ZN Stanining / For PUS)
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test Rs. 1000.00
Alberts Stain Rs. 200.00 (For Diptheria)
Albumin Test Rs. 100.00
Albumin Test Rs. 50.00 ((Body Fluid))
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test Rs. 150.00
Ambulance Service Rs. 250.00
Ammonia Test Rs. 1000.00
Amylase Test Rs. 450.00
Amylase Test Rs. 500.00 (urine)
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test Rs. 750.00
ANC Profile Rs. 100.00
ANCA Profile Rs. 2200.00
Ante-Natal Checkup Rs. 3000.00 (Antinatal Package - 2)
Ante-Natal Checkup Rs. 2200.00 (Package - 1)
Anti CCP (ACCP) Test Rs. 2500.00 (Citrullinated C Peptide Ab - IgG)
Anti Phospholipid (APL) Test Rs. 900.00 (IgG or IgM)
Anti TPO Test Rs. 1500.00
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test Rs. 2200.00
Antithyroglobulin Antibody Test Rs. 1000.00 (Anti TQ / TQ Ab)
Antithyroid Microsomal Antibody (AMA) Test Rs. 2200.00 (ATG)
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Test Rs. 300.00
Arthritis Checkup Rs. 1200.00 (Arthritis Profile)
Ascitic Fluid Test Rs. 750.00
Ascitic Fluid Test Rs. 400.00 (Peritoneal)
Ascitic Fluid Test Rs. 1000.00 (AFB Culture)
Beta HCG Test Rs. 1100.00
Bicarbonate Test Rs. 300.00
Bilirubin Test Rs. 100.00
Bilirubin Test Rs. 150.00 (Total And Direct (TB And DB))
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test Rs. 150.00
Blood Group Test Rs. 100.00
Blood Sugar Test Rs. 100.00
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Rs. 100.00
C-Peptide Test Rs. 2000.00
CA 15.3 Test Rs. 1200.00
CA 19.9 Test Rs. 1800.00
CA-125 (Tumor Marker) Test Rs. 1200.00
Calcium Test Rs. 200.00
Cancer Checkup Rs. 22600.00 (Female With Whole Body MRI + MRI Breast For Cancer)
Cancer Checkup Rs. 5000.00 (Cancer Detection Package - Men)
Cancer Checkup Rs. 21000.00 (Men With Whole Body MRI For Cancer)
Cancer Checkup Rs. 6600.00 (Female)
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) Test Rs. 800.00
CBC / Hemogram Test Rs. 200.00
CBC / Hemogram Test Rs. 250.00 (With ESR Non Panel)
CD4 Test Rs. 1000.00
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) Test Rs. 800.00
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) Test Rs. 500.00
Chikungunya Test Rs. 750.00 (IgM - Rapid)
Chikungunya Test Rs. 3500.00 (PCR - Quantitive)
Chlamydia Test Rs. 700.00 (IgG)
Chloride Test Rs. 100.00
Cholesterol Test Rs. 150.00
Colonoscopy Rs. 3000.00
Color Doppler Rs. 1600.00 (Doppler Arm Arterial / Doppler Arm Venous / Doppler Carotid And Vertebral / Doppler Liver / Doppler Mesenteric Vessels / Doppler Pelvis / Doppler Scrotal / Doppler Single Limb Arteries / Doppler Single Limb Venous / Doppler Transplant Kidney)
Color Doppler Rs. 2800.00 (Doppler Both Limb Arteries / Doppler Both Limb Venous / Doppler Single Limb Arteries / Venous)
Color Doppler Rs. 5500.00 (Doppler Both Limb Arteries And Venous)
Color Doppler Rs. 1800.00 (Doppler Fetal / Doppler Obstetric)
Color Doppler Rs. 2750.00 (Doppler Penile)
Color Doppler Rs. 2500.00 (Doppler Renal Vessels)
Complement C3 Rs. 900.00
Complement C4 Rs. 900.00
Coombs Test Rs. 400.00
Cortisol Test Rs. 1100.00 (8 Am / 4 Pm / Random)
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test Rs. 500.00
Creatinine Clearance Test Rs. 300.00
Creatinine Test Rs. 100.00
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test Rs. 400.00
Cryptococcal Antigen Test Rs. 1000.00
CT Scan Rs. 500.00 (RT-Planning 1 Cut)
CT Scan Rs. 3000.00 (Guided Procedure)
CT Scan Rs. 8000.00 (Pulmonary Angio / Renal Angio / Spleno - Porto - Venography / Thorax With Virtual Bronchoscopy / Triphasic Abdomen / Venogram / Virtual Colonoscopy / Virtiual Endoscopy)
CT Scan Rs. 6000.00 (Brain And Maxilla Facial 3D)
CT Scan Rs. 750.00 (RT-Planning 3 Cut)
CT Scan Rs. 1870.00 (Neck With Contrast(CGHS))
CT Scan Rs. 1445.00 (Abdomen)
CT Scan Rs. 25000.00 (Scan Whole Body With 3D Angio)
CT Scan Rs. 6750.00 (Neck With Upper Chest)
CT Scan Rs. 1700.00 (Abdomen With Contrast (CGHS) / Abdomen And Pelvis / HRCT Without Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 5000.00 (Forearm / Sinogram / Thigh / Wrist / 3D CT / Abdomen / Spine (Dorsal or Thoracic) / HRCT / KUB with Contrast / Lumber Spine with Virtual Endoscopy / Neck / Thorax / Chest)
CT Scan Rs. 893.00 (Temporal Bone)
CT Scan Rs. 7000.00 (Neck With Upper Thorax / Thorax With Lower Neck)
CT Scan Rs. 7500.00 (Abdomen And Pelvis)
CT Scan Rs. 4000.00 (Cervical Spine / Lumbar spine or Maxilla or KUB / High Resolution / Brain With Coronal / Mandible / Dorsal Spine / Fistulography / Orbit Axial Coronal / SI Joints)
CT Scan Rs. 6500.00 (Temporal Bone With Otoscopy)
CT Scan Rs. 2400.00 (Non Inocic Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 4250.00 (Abdomen And Angio With Contrast (CGHS))
CT Scan Rs. 6750.00 (Thorax With HRCT)
CT Scan Rs. 9000.00 (Peripheral Angio)
CT Scan Rs. 6500.00 (Abdomen With Lower Thorax)
CT Scan Rs. 20000.00 (Whole Body Metasasis / Whole Body - Trauma / Whole Body Angio)
CT Scan Rs. 3800.00 (Pituitary / Sella)
CT Scan Rs. 5500.00 (Biospy)
CT Scan Rs. 5500.00 (Guided Soft Tissue Biopsy)
CT Scan Rs. 2500.00 (PNS Limited / Procedure Charges)
CT Scan Rs. 8500.00 (Bone Biospy)
CT Scan Rs. 1600.00 (PNS Limited With Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 4500.00 (Femur / Shoulder / Ankle / Brain With Orbit / Brain With PNS / Cervical Spine With Virtual Endoscopy / Cologram / CV Junction / Maxilla And Mandible / Extermities / HIP Joints / Foot / Guided Pig Tell Insertion / Joints / Larynk)
CT Scan Rs. 10000.00 (Brain With Neck Angio)
CT Scan Rs. 3900.00 (PNS Coronals,Axial With Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 3500.00 (Biopsy Needle Charges / Guided Aspiration / HRCT Without Contrast / Parotid / PNS Axial And Coronal)
CT Scan Rs. 6000.00 (Brain With Perfusion / Intracranial Angio)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Test Rs. 600.00 (IgG or IgM)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Test Rs. 7000.00 (PCR - Qualitative)
D Dimer Test Rs. 1500.00
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 750.00
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 900.00 (IgM)
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 1500.00 (ELISA - Antibodies)
Dengue IgM Test Rs. 750.00
Dengue NS1 Test Rs. 1300.00 (Antagen)
DHEA Test Rs. 1200.00
Diabetes Checkup Rs. 2200.00 (Basic)
Diabetes Checkup Rs. 6000.00 (Advance)
DNA Test Rs. 3500.00 (HPV DNA Detection - Qualitative)
Double Marker Test Rs. 3500.00 ((Downs Syndrome))
Double Marker Test Rs. 3000.00 (1st Trimester Screen)
ECG Rs. 300.00
EEG Rs. 1500.00
Electrolytes Test Rs. 350.00 (Bicrbonates)
Electrolytes Test Rs. 300.00 (NA / K / CI)
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test Rs. 80.00
Estradiol (E2) Test Rs. 1000.00
Executive Health Checkup Rs. 4000.00 (Male)
Executive Health Checkup Rs. 4100.00 (Female)
Factor V Leiden Test Rs. 4000.00
Ferritin Test Rs. 750.00
FNAC Test Rs. 1000.00 (Multiple Site)
FNAC Test Rs. 500.00 (Single Site)
Folic Acid Test Rs. 1200.00
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 500.00
G6PD Test Rs. 1000.00
Gamma GT (GGTP) Test Rs. 200.00
Globulin / AG Ratio Rs. 120.00
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Rs. 300.00 (3 Sample)
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Rs. 350.00 (100 Gram Of Glucose)
Gram Stain Test Rs. 100.00
HbA1C Test Rs. 500.00
HBeAb (Hepatitis B Antibody) Rs. 1300.00
HBsAg Test Rs. 350.00 (Spot / Rapid Test)
HBsAg Test Rs. 700.00
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 8500.00 (RNA Qualititative)
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 1000.00
HDL Cholesterol Rs. 300.00
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test Rs. 100.00
Hepatitis A Test Rs. 3500.00 (Profile - 1)
Hepatitis A Test Rs. 6000.00 (Profile - 2)
Hepatitis A Test Rs. 1000.00 (Virus Antibodies - IGM)
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Test Rs. 4500.00 (DNA Detection For I And II Serum / DNA Detection For I And II (CSF))
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Test Rs. 900.00 (I And II IgG Antibodies CSF)
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Test Rs. 1800.00 (HSV Type 2 - IgG / IgM)
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Test Rs. 700.00 (I IgG / II IgG / I IgM / II IgM)
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Test Rs. 1300.00 (I IgM + II IgM)
HGH Test Rs. 1000.00
HIV Test Rs. 5000.00 (DNA VIRAL LOAD)
HIV Test Rs. 400.00
HLA B27 Test Rs. 1800.00
Homocysteine Test Rs. 1600.00
HSG Test Rs. 2500.00
Insulin Test Rs. 4500.00 (Insullin Like Growth Factor BP3 (IGF BP3))
Insulin Test Rs. 750.00 (F / PP / Random)
Insulin Test Rs. 2200.00 (Antibodies)
Iron Test Rs. 450.00 (Profile)
Karyotype Test Rs. 3500.00
Kidney / Renal Function Test Rs. 500.00
L. E. Cells Test Rs. 350.00
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test Rs. 800.00
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test Rs. 500.00 (Body Fluid)
LDL Cholesterol Rs. 350.00
Lipase Test Rs. 500.00
Lipid Profile Rs. 500.00
Lipoprotein A / LP(a) Test Rs. 900.00
Lithium Test Rs. 400.00
Liver Function Test (LFT) Rs. 500.00
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Test Rs. 3500.00
Magnesium Test Rs. 300.00
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 100.00
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 500.00 (OBC Method)
Mantoux Test Rs. 100.00
Master Health Checkup Rs. 1500.00
Microfilaria Parasite Test Rs. 100.00 (Smear)
MRI Scan Rs. 1500.00 (MR Whole Spine Screening)
MRI Scan Rs. 4950.00 (MR Breast Screening / MR Brain Stroke Screening)
MRI Scan Rs. 1448.00 (MR Orbit)
MRI Scan Rs. 6950.00 (Whole Abdomen / Breast / Brain / Axilla / Brachial Plexus / Brain Screening With Intracranial Angio Plain / Brain With Venogram / Brain Stroke Screening And Intercranial Angio Plain / MR Brain Stroke Screening With Intracranial Venogram Plain)
MRI Scan Rs. 8500.00 (MR Whole Spine Screening With 4 Sequence/MR Whole Spine Screening With One Region Study)
MRI Scan Rs. 7500.00 (MR Ankle Joint Single Side - High Resoultion)
MRI Scan Rs. 10500.00 (MR Breast With Contrast Spectroscopy)
MRI Scan Rs. 4600.00 (MR Pelvis With Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 4000.00 (MR Wrist Joint With Contrast (CGHS))
MRI Scan Rs. 1988.00 (MR Brain)
MRI Scan Rs. 10000.00 (MR Cervical Spine And Angio/MR Enteroclysis / Enterography With Contrast/MR Lower Limb Angio Plain/MR Myocardial Viability,Perfusion,Wall Motion/MR Upper Limb Angio)
MRI Scan Rs. 4750.00 (MR Pituitary / Sella Screening)
MRI Scan Rs. 2848.00 (MR Brain With Contrast (CGHS))
MRI Scan Rs. 3000.00 (MR Contrast 1 (Ultravist))
MRI Scan Rs. 1500.00 (MR Screening 1)
MRI Scan Rs. 10000.00 (Brain Contrast)
MRI Scan Rs. 12500.00 (MR Brain And Contrast / Angio / Spectroscopy / DTI)
MRI Scan Rs. 250.00 (MR Extra Flim - 1 Flim)
MRI Scan Rs. 2500.00 (MR Temporal Bone)
MRI Scan Rs. 8250.00 (MR Brain CSF Cine Flow Study)
MRI Scan Rs. 500.00 (MR Extra Flim - 2 Flim)
MRI Scan Rs. 7500.00 (MR Temporal Bone And CT Cuts)
MRI Scan Rs. 8950.00 (MR Brain Epilespy Protocol)
MRI Scan Rs. 4600.00 (MR Extremitiy And Soft Tissue With Contrast CGHS)
MRI Scan Rs. 8000.00 (MR Temporal Bone With Coachilear 3D Study / MR TMJ Both Side)
MRI Scan Rs. 11000.00 (Brain Perfusion Imaging / Brain Stroke Full Protocol / Brain With Carotid Imaging And Contrast / Brain With Contrast Angiogram)
MRI Scan Rs. 3950.00 (MR Migraine Screening)
MRI Scan Rs. 38000.00 (MR Whole Body Coronal With Axial, Chest CT)
MRI Scan Rs. 11500.00 (Brain With Contrast / Spectroscopy / DTI / Lower Limb Angio)
MRI Scan Rs. 2000.00 (MR Orbit With Contrast (CGHS))
MRI Scan Rs. 17000.00 (MR Whole Body Imaging Coronals)
MRI Scan Rs. 9000.00 (MR Brain With Orbit)
MRI Scan Rs. 2700.00 (MR Neck)
MRI Scan Rs. 16000.00 (MR Whole Body Imaging With DWIBS)
MRI Scan Rs. 4250.00 (MR Breast With Contrast (CGHS))
MRI Scan Rs. 8000.00 (MR Neck Angio - TOF / MRCP With 2 Sequence)
PAP Smear Rs. 500.00
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) Test Rs. 100.00 (Haematorcrit)
Peripheral Blood Smear Test Rs. 150.00
Phosphorus Test Rs. 150.00 ((Inorganic))
Phosphorus Test Rs. 300.00 (Urine Spot)
Platelet Count Rs. 100.00
Pleural Fluid Analysis Rs. 400.00
Potassium Test Rs. 150.00
Pregnancy Test Rs. 120.00
Progesterone Test Rs. 750.00
Prolactin Test Rs. 500.00
Protein Test Rs. 4000.00 (C / S)
Protein/Creatinine Ratio Rs. 500.00 (Urine Spot Sample)
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test Rs. 1000.00
PT (Prothrombin Time) Test Rs. 280.00
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test Rs. 1600.00
Renal Profile Rs. 500.00
Renal Profile Rs. 350.00 ((1))
Renal Profile Rs. 1200.00 ((2))
Renal Profile Rs. 3500.00 (Advance)
Reticulocyte Count Test Rs. 200.00
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test Rs. 800.00
Rubella Test Rs. 800.00 (IgG or IgM)
Semen Analysis Test Rs. 300.00
Senior Citizen Health Checkup Rs. 5500.00 (Male)
Senior Citizen Health Checkup Rs. 6000.00 (Female)
Senior Citizen Health Checkup Rs. 8500.00 (With Breast - MRI - Female)
Sex Hormone Test Rs. 1200.00 (Binding Globulin - SHBG)
SGOT Test Rs. 100.00 (AST)
SGPT Test Rs. 100.00 (ALT)
Sodium Test Rs. 150.00
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 350.00 (USG BPP)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 800.00 (Pelvis / KUB)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 1150.00 (Anomaly Scan)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 4500.00 (Guided Pig Tell Insertion)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 2500.00 (Biopsy Needle Charges/2D Fetal Echo/)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 2800.00 (USG With CD)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 1200.00 (Follicular Package)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 400.00 (Follicular Single Seating)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 900.00 (Follicular Study Basic Scan / Early Obestric / Early Obestric TVS)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 3750.00 (Guided FNAC / Biopsy Charges)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 1000.00 (Breast / Cranium / Late Obstetric / Neck / Nerosonography / Scrotal / Shoulder / Small Parts / Thyroid / Transcranial / Trans Rectal / TVS / Wrist)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 1900.00 (Both Shoulder)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 250.00 (Follicular Subsequent Visit)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG) Rs. 900.00 (Abdomen or Chest wall or Early Obstetric)
Sputum Routine Test Rs. 150.00
Stool Routine Rs. 150.00
Synovial Fluid Analysis Rs. 400.00
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 250.00
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 250.00
TB Test Rs. 2500.00 (TB PCR Qualitative)
TB Test Rs. 120.00
TB Test Rs. 3500.00 (RNA PCR / TB PCR Quantitive)
Testosterone Test Rs. 3000.00 (Androgen Profile)
Testosterone Test Rs. 900.00 (Total)
Testosterone Test Rs. 1400.00
Thyroglobulin Test Rs. 1000.00 ((Anti - TG))
Thyroid Test Rs. 500.00 ((T3, T4, TSH))
Total Protein Test Rs. 150.00
Toxoplasma Test Rs. 800.00 (IgG or IgM)
Transferrin Test Rs. 900.00
Triple Marker Test Rs. 3200.00 (2nd Trimester Screen)
Triple Marker Test Rs. 3000.00
Troponin-I Test Rs. 1500.00
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 200.00
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 3600.00 (Receptor Antibodies)
Typhidot Test Rs. 400.00 (IgG)
Typhidot Test Rs. 700.00 (IgG + IgM)
Typhidot Test Rs. 500.00 (IgM)
Urea Test Rs. 100.00
Uric Acid Test Rs. 100.00
Urine Routine Rs. 70.00
Valproic Acid Rs. 1000.00
VDRL Test Rs. 200.00 (RPR)
Vitamin A Test Rs. 3500.00
Vitamin B12 Test Rs. 1100.00
Vitamin C Test Rs. 3500.00
Vitamin D Test Rs. 3500.00 (125 Dihydroxy)
Vitamin D Test Rs. 1500.00 (Vitamin D3 (25 Hydroxy Cholecalciferol))
Vitamin E Test Rs. 6500.00
VLDL Test Rs. 200.00
Widal Test Rs. 250.00 (Tube Method)
Widal Test Rs. 200.00 (Slide Method)
X-Ray Rs. 1200.00 (Cholangiogram)
X-Ray Rs. 6950.00 (Scrotum / Neck / Brachial Plexus / Brain / Orbit / Pelvis / Shoulder joints / Temporal bone / Thigh / Thyroid / Cervical Spine / Chest / KUB / Leg)
X-Ray Rs. 1800.00 (Both Ancle With Foot AP / Lateral)
X-Ray Rs. 900.00 (Both Knees Ap / Lateral)
X-Ray Rs. 500.00 (AP or LAT View ( Knees / Both Mastodies / Elbow / Foot / Fore Arm / Hand / Leg / Lumber Spine))
X-Ray Rs. 300.00 (LS Spine Lat / Skull Ap / Hip Lateral / Abdomen Erect Or Supine / Additional Exposure / Chephalogram / Chest Lateral)
X-Ray Rs. 800.00 (Sinogram)
X-Ray Rs. 2500.00 (IVP / IVU)
X-Ray Rs. 1500.00 (Cystogram / Fistulogram)

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