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Tambe CT Scan Centre

Tambe CT Scan Centre (Ahmednagar)

Tambe Hospital, New Akola Road, Near B Ed College, Sangamner, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - 422605

Phone: 02425 227 294, 02425 227 295, 02425 227 296, 9552215215

Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Tambe CT Scan Centre

Diagnostic Test NameView Price
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test Rs. 120.00
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test Rs. 800.00
Albumin Test Rs. 100.00
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test Rs. 100.00
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Test Rs. 350.00
ASO Test Rs. 250.00
Beta HCG Test Rs. 800.00
Bilirubin Test Rs. 100.00
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test Rs. 100.00
Blood Group Test Rs. 50.00
Blood Sugar Test Rs. 50.00
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Rs. 100.00
Calcium Test Rs. 150.00
Cholesterol Test Rs. 100.00
CK-MB Test Rs. 450.00
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test Rs. 450.00
Creatinine Test Rs. 100.00
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test Rs. 250.00
CT Scan Rs. 1200.00 (Plain Pelvis)
CT Scan Rs. 4000.00 (Whole Abdomen / Pelvis with Contrast)
CT Scan Rs. 2300.00 (Brain)
CT Scan Rs. 1800.00 (Plain)
Electrolytes Test Rs. 350.00
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test Rs. 50.00
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 250.00
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Rs. 350.00
HbA1C Test Rs. 350.00
HBsAg Test Rs. 250.00
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 600.00
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test Rs. 50.00
HIV Test Rs. 250.00
Insulin Test Rs. 300.00
Kidney / Renal Function Test Rs. 200.00
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test Rs. 450.00
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test Rs. 350.00
Lipase Test Rs. 450.00
Lipid Profile Rs. 600.00
Liver Function Test (LFT) Rs. 600.00
Magnesium Test Rs. 200.00
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 150.00
Microalbumin Test Rs. 300.00
