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Rxpress Labs

Rxpress Labs (Bangalore)

Rxpress Labs, Banashankari Stage 3, Near Devegowda Petrol Bunk, Banashankari, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560085

Phone: 9242253773

We offer all the lab tests from CAP & NABL accredited laboratories.

Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Rxpress Labs

Diagnostic Test NameView Price
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test Rs. 1100.00 (Plasma-EDTA (2ml))
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test Rs. 1100.00 (Chemiluminescence)
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test Rs. 150.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test Rs. 350.00 (Amniotic Fluid (1ml))
Albumin Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml))
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml))
Allergy Test Rs. 3500.00 (Allergy Profile - Food (Non-Vegetarian Only) / Food (Veg + Non-Veg) / Food (Vegetarian Only))
Ammonia Test Rs. 800.00 (Plasma- Na. Heparin (1ml))
Amylase Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml) / Urine (5ml) / Body Fluid (1ml))
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test Rs. 350.00 (Serum (1ml) (ELISA))
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test Rs. 600.00 (Serum (1ml) (IFA))
ANCA Profile Rs. 1200.00 (Serum (1ml) (IFA))
Anti CCP (ACCP) Test Rs. 2000.00 (ANA, HLA B27 (Serum 1ml) ELISA ,FlowCytometry)
Anti TPO Test Rs. 3000.00 (ATG, Calcitonin, Thyroglobulin, T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH)
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Test Rs. 500.00 (PT, Thrombin time, Fibrinogen {Citrated Plasma (3ml)})
ASO Test Rs. 1500.00 (RF, ANA, C4, CRP, Calcium, Uric Acid, Phosphorus, Alkaline Phosphatase (Spectrophotometry / Immunoturbidometry))
Basic Health Check Up Rs. 2500.00 (Lipid Profile, Liver Profile, Iron Deficiency Profile, Infectious Profile, Cardiac Screen, Thyroid Profile , HBA1c, CUE, CBC)
Beta HCG Test Rs. 1200.00 (Acid Phosphatase Total, CA 15.3,CEA.)
Bicarbonate Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml))
Bilirubin Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml))
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test Rs. 200.00
Blood Culture Test Rs. 300.00 (Blood - Na. Heparin (3-5ml))
Blood Group Test Rs. 500.00 (HIV I & II (Ab), HBsAg, VDRL, CBC, Blood Grouping, RBS, CUE)
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Rs. 1750.00 (Glucose (F / PP), HbA1c, Microalbuminuria; Lipid Profile, Creatinine; Blood Urea Nitrogen, Insulin; C-Peptide)
CA 15.3 Test Rs. 1200.00 (Serum (1ml) Acid Phosphatase Total, Beta HCG, CA 15.3, CEA)
CA 19.9 Test Rs. 700.00 (Serum (1ml))
Calcium Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml) / Urine (5ml) & 24 hrs Urine Volume)
Cancer Checkup Rs. 1500.00 (Testicular cancer profile: AFP, Beta-HCG (Total), CEA, E2, Prolactin, Ferritin)
CBC / Hemogram Test Rs. 100.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
CD4 Test Rs. 5500.00 (HIV Western Blot, CD3 / CD4 / CD8 , HIV Viral Load, {Serum (1 ml), WB-EDTA (3 ml), WBEDTA -Plasma (3 ml)})
CD4 Test Rs. 3750.00 (CD3 / CD4 / CD8, HIV Viral Load, {WB-EDTA (3 ml), WB-EDTA-Plasma (3 ml)})
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) Test Rs. 1000.00 (AFP, CEA, Ferritin, LFT {Serum 1ml))
Chloride Test Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml) / CSF 1ml / Urine (25ml))
Cholesterol Test Rs. 500.00 (Total, HDL, LDL)
CK-MB Test Rs. 250.00 (Serum (1ml))
Cortisol Test Rs. 400.00
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml))
Creatinine Clearance Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml) & Urine (5ml) 24 hrs Urine Volume)
Creatinine Test Rs. 100.00
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test Rs. 250.00 (Serum (1ml))
D Dimer Test Rs. 1000.00 (Plasma- Na Citrated (1ml))
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 500.00 (ELISA)
Dengue IgM Test Rs. 500.00 (ELISA)
DHEA Test Rs. 1500.00 (ELISA)
Diabetes Checkup Rs. 100.00 (Fasting, Post Prandial)
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test Rs. 100.00 (Westergren's method)
Estradiol (E2) Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml))
Ferritin Test Rs. 450.00 (Serum (1ml))
FNAC Test Rs. 300.00 (FNAC)
Folic Acid Test Rs. 400.00 (Serum (1ml))
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml))
G6PD Test Rs. 600.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
Gamma GT (GGTP) Test Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml))
Globulin Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml))
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) Rs. 400.00 (Plasma- NaF (3ml) 5 Timed samples)
HbA1C Test Rs. 400.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
HBsAg Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml))
HCV Antibody Test Rs. 400.00 (Serum (1ml))
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test Rs. 100.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
HGH Test Rs. 500.00 (Serum (1ml))
HIV Test Rs. 3000.00 (WB-EDTA Plasma (3ml))
HIV Test Rs. 200.00 (ELISA / CLIA)
HLA B27 Test Rs. 1000.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
Homocysteine Test Rs. 650.00 (EDTA Plasma (1ml))
Insulin Test Rs. 350.00 (Serum (1ml))
Iron Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml))
Kidney / Renal Function Test Rs. 400.00 (Urea, Creatinine, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, BUN / Creatinine ratio)
Kidney Profile Rs. 600.00 (CUE, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Cholesterol- Total, Protein with Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride.)
L. E. Cells Test Rs. 200.00 (WB-Na. Heparin (3ml))
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test Rs. 250.00
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml))
Lipase Test Rs. 350.00 (Serum (1ml))
Lipid Profile Rs. 150.00 (Triglycerides, HDL - Cholesterol, Direct & Total, Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol- Calculated)
Lipoprotein A / LP(a) Test Rs. 450.00 (Serum (1ml))
Lithium Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml))
Liver Function Test (LFT) Rs. 250.00 (Albumin, Bilirubin (Indirect, Direct & Total), Protein, Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT))
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Test Rs. 1200.00 (Na Citrate - Plasma (3 ml))
Magnesium Test Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml))
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 100.00 (Microscopy)
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test Rs. 500.00 (QBC)
Microalbumin Test Rs. 200.00 (Urine - Random (5ml))
Microfilaria Parasite Test Rs. 750.00
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) Test Rs. 80.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
Phosphorus Test Rs. 150.00
Platelet Count Rs. 100.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
Potassium Test Rs. 200.00
Progesterone Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml))
Prolactin Test Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml))
Protein Test Rs. 100.00 (Urine / any fluid / Protein C test ELISA)
Protein/Creatinine Ratio Rs. 200.00
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test Rs. 500.00
PT (Prothrombin Time) Test Rs. 200.00 (Citrated Plasma (1ml))
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test Rs. 700.00 (Serum (1ml))
Renal Profile Rs. 600.00 (CUE, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Cholesterol- Total, Protein with Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride.)
Reticulocyte Count Test Rs. 150.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test Rs. 250.00 (Serum (1ml))
Semen Analysis Test Rs. 200.00
SGOT Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml))
SGPT Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml))
Sickling Test Rs. 200.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml))
Sodium Test Rs. 150.00
Stool Routine Rs. 200.00
Synovial Fluid Analysis Rs. 250.00
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 350.00 (T3, T4, TSH)
Thyroglobulin Test Rs. 500.00 (Serum (1ml))
Thyroid Test Rs. 450.00 (T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH, PRL)
TORCH Test Rs. 1800.00 (TORCH 10 Profile (IgG & IgM) Toxo IgG / IgM; Rubella IgG / IgM; CMV IgG / IgM; HSV-I IgG / IgM; HSV-II IgG / IgM)
TORCH Test Rs. 950.00 (TORCH 5 Profile (IgG) Toxo IgG; Rubella IgG; CMV IgG; HSV-I IgG; HSV-II IgG / TORCH 5 Profile (IgM) Toxo IgM; Rubella IgM; CMV IgM; HSV-I IgM; HSV-II IgM)
TORCH Test Rs. 1350.00 (TORCH 8 Profile (IgG & IgM) Toxo IgG/ IgM; Rubella IgG/ IgM; CMV IgG / IgM; HSV-I & II IgG; HSV-I & II IgM)
TORCH Test Rs. 800.00 (TORCH 4 Profile (IgG) Toxo IgG; Rubella IgG; CMV IgG; HSV I & II IgG / TORCH 4 Profile (IgM) Toxo IgM; Rubella IgM; CMV IgM; HSVI& II IgM)
Transferrin Test Rs. 800.00 (Serum (1ml))
Triglycerides Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml))
Triple Marker Test Rs. 1300.00 (Triple Marker with graph AFP, HCG, E3)
Troponin-I Test Rs. 1250.00
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml))
Urea Test Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml))
Uric Acid Test Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml))
Urine Routine Rs. 250.00 (Urine Infection Screen CUE, Urine culture & Sensitivity,)
VDRL Test Rs. 500.00 (Infectious Profile HIV, HBsAg, HCV, VDRL.)
Vitamin B12 Test Rs. 1250.00 (Serum (1ml))
Vitamin D Test Rs. 5000.00 (1,25 Di Hydroxy Vitamin D (Vitamin D3))
Vitamin D Test Rs. 4500.00 (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D)

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