Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Rxpress Labs
Diagnostic Test Name | View Price |
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test | Rs. 1100.00 (Plasma-EDTA (2ml)) |
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) Test | Rs. 1100.00 (Chemiluminescence) |
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test | Rs. 150.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test | Rs. 350.00 (Amniotic Fluid (1ml)) |
Albumin Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Allergy Test | Rs. 3500.00 (Allergy Profile - Food (Non-Vegetarian Only) / Food (Veg + Non-Veg) / Food (Vegetarian Only)) |
Ammonia Test | Rs. 800.00 (Plasma- Na. Heparin (1ml)) |
Amylase Test | Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml) / Urine (5ml) / Body Fluid (1ml)) |
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test | Rs. 350.00 (Serum (1ml) (ELISA)) |
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) Test | Rs. 600.00 (Serum (1ml) (IFA)) |
ANCA Profile | Rs. 1200.00 (Serum (1ml) (IFA)) |
Anti CCP (ACCP) Test | Rs. 2000.00 (ANA, HLA B27 (Serum 1ml) ELISA ,FlowCytometry) |
Anti TPO Test | Rs. 3000.00 (ATG, Calcitonin, Thyroglobulin, T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH) |
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) Test | Rs. 500.00 (PT, Thrombin time, Fibrinogen {Citrated Plasma (3ml)}) |
ASO Test | Rs. 1500.00 (RF, ANA, C4, CRP, Calcium, Uric Acid, Phosphorus, Alkaline Phosphatase (Spectrophotometry / Immunoturbidometry)) |
Basic Health Check Up | Rs. 2500.00 (Lipid Profile, Liver Profile, Iron Deficiency Profile, Infectious Profile, Cardiac Screen, Thyroid Profile , HBA1c, CUE, CBC) |
Beta HCG Test | Rs. 1200.00 (Acid Phosphatase Total, CA 15.3,CEA.) |
Bicarbonate Test | Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Bilirubin Test | Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test | Rs. 200.00 |
Blood Culture Test | Rs. 300.00 (Blood - Na. Heparin (3-5ml)) |
Blood Group Test | Rs. 500.00 (HIV I & II (Ab), HBsAg, VDRL, CBC, Blood Grouping, RBS, CUE) |
Blood Urea Nitrogen Test | Rs. 1750.00 (Glucose (F / PP), HbA1c, Microalbuminuria; Lipid Profile, Creatinine; Blood Urea Nitrogen, Insulin; C-Peptide) |
CA 15.3 Test | Rs. 1200.00 (Serum (1ml) Acid Phosphatase Total, Beta HCG, CA 15.3, CEA) |
CA 19.9 Test | Rs. 700.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Calcium Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml) / Urine (5ml) & 24 hrs Urine Volume) |
Cancer Checkup | Rs. 1500.00 (Testicular cancer profile: AFP, Beta-HCG (Total), CEA, E2, Prolactin, Ferritin) |
CBC / Hemogram Test | Rs. 100.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
CD4 Test | Rs. 5500.00 (HIV Western Blot, CD3 / CD4 / CD8 , HIV Viral Load, {Serum (1 ml), WB-EDTA (3 ml), WBEDTA -Plasma (3 ml)}) |
CD4 Test | Rs. 3750.00 (CD3 / CD4 / CD8, HIV Viral Load, {WB-EDTA (3 ml), WB-EDTA-Plasma (3 ml)}) |
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) Test | Rs. 1000.00 (AFP, CEA, Ferritin, LFT {Serum 1ml)) |
Chloride Test | Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml) / CSF 1ml / Urine (25ml)) |
Cholesterol Test | Rs. 500.00 (Total, HDL, LDL) |
CK-MB Test | Rs. 250.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Cortisol Test | Rs. 400.00 |
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) Test | Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Creatinine Clearance Test | Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml) & Urine (5ml) 24 hrs Urine Volume) |
Creatinine Test | Rs. 100.00 |
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test | Rs. 250.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
D Dimer Test | Rs. 1000.00 (Plasma- Na Citrated (1ml)) |
Dengue IgG Test | Rs. 500.00 (ELISA) |
Dengue IgM Test | Rs. 500.00 (ELISA) |
DHEA Test | Rs. 1500.00 (ELISA) |
Diabetes Checkup | Rs. 100.00 (Fasting, Post Prandial) |
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test | Rs. 100.00 (Westergren's method) |
Estradiol (E2) Test | Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Ferritin Test | Rs. 450.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
FNAC Test | Rs. 300.00 (FNAC) |
Folic Acid Test | Rs. 400.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test | Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
G6PD Test | Rs. 600.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
Gamma GT (GGTP) Test | Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Globulin Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) | Rs. 400.00 (Plasma- NaF (3ml) 5 Timed samples) |
HbA1C Test | Rs. 400.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
HBsAg Test | Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
HCV Antibody Test | Rs. 400.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test | Rs. 100.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
HGH Test | Rs. 500.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
HIV Test | Rs. 3000.00 (WB-EDTA Plasma (3ml)) |
HIV Test | Rs. 200.00 (ELISA / CLIA) |
HLA B27 Test | Rs. 1000.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
Homocysteine Test | Rs. 650.00 (EDTA Plasma (1ml)) |
Insulin Test | Rs. 350.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Iron Test | Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Kidney / Renal Function Test | Rs. 400.00 (Urea, Creatinine, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, BUN / Creatinine ratio) |
Kidney Profile | Rs. 600.00 (CUE, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Cholesterol- Total, Protein with Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride.) |
L. E. Cells Test | Rs. 200.00 (WB-Na. Heparin (3ml)) |
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Test | Rs. 250.00 |
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test | Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Lipase Test | Rs. 350.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Lipid Profile | Rs. 150.00 (Triglycerides, HDL - Cholesterol, Direct & Total, Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol- Calculated) |
Lipoprotein A / LP(a) Test | Rs. 450.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Lithium Test | Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Liver Function Test (LFT) | Rs. 250.00 (Albumin, Bilirubin (Indirect, Direct & Total), Protein, Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/SGPT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)) |
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) Test | Rs. 1200.00 (Na Citrate - Plasma (3 ml)) |
Magnesium Test | Rs. 200.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test | Rs. 100.00 (Microscopy) |
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) Test | Rs. 500.00 (QBC) |
Microalbumin Test | Rs. 200.00 (Urine - Random (5ml)) |
Microfilaria Parasite Test | Rs. 750.00 |
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) Test | Rs. 80.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
Phosphorus Test | Rs. 150.00 |
Platelet Count | Rs. 100.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
Potassium Test | Rs. 200.00 |
Progesterone Test | Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Prolactin Test | Rs. 300.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Protein Test | Rs. 100.00 (Urine / any fluid / Protein C test ELISA) |
Protein/Creatinine Ratio | Rs. 200.00 |
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Test | Rs. 500.00 |
PT (Prothrombin Time) Test | Rs. 200.00 (Citrated Plasma (1ml)) |
PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test | Rs. 700.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Renal Profile | Rs. 600.00 (CUE, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Cholesterol- Total, Protein with Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride.) |
Reticulocyte Count Test | Rs. 150.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test | Rs. 250.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Semen Analysis Test | Rs. 200.00 |
SGOT Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
SGPT Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Sickling Test | Rs. 200.00 (WB-EDTA (3ml)) |
Sodium Test | Rs. 150.00 |
Stool Routine | Rs. 200.00 |
Synovial Fluid Analysis | Rs. 250.00 |
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test | Rs. 350.00 (T3, T4, TSH) |
Thyroglobulin Test | Rs. 500.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Thyroid Test | Rs. 450.00 (T3, T4, FT3, FT4, TSH, PRL) |
TORCH Test | Rs. 1800.00 (TORCH 10 Profile (IgG & IgM) Toxo IgG / IgM; Rubella IgG / IgM; CMV IgG / IgM; HSV-I IgG / IgM; HSV-II IgG / IgM) |
TORCH Test | Rs. 950.00 (TORCH 5 Profile (IgG) Toxo IgG; Rubella IgG; CMV IgG; HSV-I IgG; HSV-II IgG / TORCH 5 Profile (IgM) Toxo IgM; Rubella IgM; CMV IgM; HSV-I IgM; HSV-II IgM) |
TORCH Test | Rs. 1350.00 (TORCH 8 Profile (IgG & IgM) Toxo IgG/ IgM; Rubella IgG/ IgM; CMV IgG / IgM; HSV-I & II IgG; HSV-I & II IgM) |
TORCH Test | Rs. 800.00 (TORCH 4 Profile (IgG) Toxo IgG; Rubella IgG; CMV IgG; HSV I & II IgG / TORCH 4 Profile (IgM) Toxo IgM; Rubella IgM; CMV IgM; HSVI& II IgM) |
Transferrin Test | Rs. 800.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Triglycerides Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Triple Marker Test | Rs. 1300.00 (Triple Marker with graph AFP, HCG, E3) |
Troponin-I Test | Rs. 1250.00 |
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test | Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Urea Test | Rs. 100.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Uric Acid Test | Rs. 150.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Urine Routine | Rs. 250.00 (Urine Infection Screen CUE, Urine culture & Sensitivity,) |
VDRL Test | Rs. 500.00 (Infectious Profile HIV, HBsAg, HCV, VDRL.) |
Vitamin B12 Test | Rs. 1250.00 (Serum (1ml)) |
Vitamin D Test | Rs. 5000.00 (1,25 Di Hydroxy Vitamin D (Vitamin D3)) |
Vitamin D Test | Rs. 4500.00 (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D) |