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Astha Laboratory and Poly Clinic

Astha Laboratory and Poly Clinic (Bhubaneswar)

Plot A/2, Shop No 6, Unit 4, Ganga Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751001

Phone: 0674 242 1861, 9861085263

Rates for various tests/diagnostics at Astha Laboratory and Poly Clinic

Diagnostic Test NameView Price
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test Rs. 50.00
ASO Test Rs. 300.00
Bilirubin Test Rs. 120.00
Bleeding / Clotting Time Test Rs. 40.00
Blood Sugar Test Rs. 40.00
Calcium Test Rs. 150.00
Cardiolipin Antibodies (ACL) Rs. 800.00
Creatinine Test Rs. 80.00
Dengue IgG Test Rs. 400.00
Dengue IgM Test Rs. 400.00
Electrolytes Test Rs. 250.00
Folic Acid Test Rs. 500.00
Globulin / AG Ratio Rs. 150.00
HbA1C Test Rs. 500.00
HBsAg Test Rs. 200.00
HDL Cholesterol Rs. 100.00
Hemoglobin (Hb) Test Rs. 30.00
Insulin Test Rs. 500.00
LDL Cholesterol Rs. 100.00
Lipid Profile Rs. 450.00
Liver Function Test (LFT) Rs. 550.00
Protein Test Rs. 100.00
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Rs. 450.00
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test Rs. 200.00
SGOT Test Rs. 100.00
SGPT Test Rs. 100.00
T3 (Triiodothyronine) Test Rs. 250.00
T4 (Thyroxine) Test Rs. 250.00
TB Test Rs. 2000.00
Thyroid Test Rs. 600.00
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test Rs. 250.00
Uric Acid Test Rs. 100.00
Urine Routine Rs. 100.00
