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Bariatric Surgery Cost in Pune

Get Cost Estimate for Bariatric Surgery in Pune

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  • Treatment type

    Minimally invasive

  • Treatment Time

    90-120 minutes

  • Hospitalization days

    1-2 days

  • Risk


  • Resume work in

    3-5 weeks

  • Chances of recurrence


Weight-loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, may cost between Rs. 2,00,000 to Rs 3,00,000 in Pune. The cost of treatment varies from one patient to another due to many factors, such as type of surgery, surgeon’s fee, underlying medical conditions of the patient, etc.

Bariatric surgery is usually recommended to promote weight loss in morbidly obese people (people with 40+ BMI). The surgery is used as the last resort to help patients who have failed to lose weight through other methods, including medications, diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications. The surgery aims to reduce the food intake in the patient by bypassing most of the stomach and intestine to help the patient reach the ideal weight.

Considering the medical benefits of the procedure, bariatric surgery cost is covered by health insurance plans as well. Some insurance providers offer coverage for the treatment in the base policy, whereas others offer coverage with add-on plans.

Factors That Affect Bariatric Surgery Cost in Pune

Here are the key factors that influence the cost of bariatric surgery in Pune.

  • Type of Bariatric Surgery- There are various types of weight-loss surgeries, such as gastric balloon, gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding, vertical sleeve gastrectomy, etc. Each type of surgery costs different from the other, which will influence the cost of treatment.
  • Technique Used- Bariatric surgery can be performed through either open or laparoscopic techniques. Mostly, the laparoscopic technique is used for bariatric surgery even when it is more expensive, as it has various other benefits as well.
  • Overall Health of the Patient- Not every obese person can undergo weight loss surgery. The patient must not have any underlying medical condition that can risk his/her life during or after the surgery. If the patient has comorbidities, such as hypertension, diabetes, etc., it can increase the cost of treatment.
  • Surgeon’s fee- A surgeon with proper credentials, specialization in laparoscopic technique, and 10+ years of experience are likely to charge more to carry out the surgery. An experienced surgeon will also know how to mitigate the risks associated with the procedure and improve the success rate.
  • Choice of Hospital- The patient will have the option to choose between a government hospital and a private hospital. The cost of treatment at a government medical center will be less than at the private one. Furthermore, the cost will also increase or decrease depending on the type of hospital- super-specialty or multi-specialty.
  • Hospitalization Expense- Typically, bariatric surgery requires 2-4 days of hospitalization. During this period, the patient has to cover the admission fees, discharge fees, nursing fees, room rent, ICU charges, OT charges, medical consumables, meals, etc. With each day spent at the hospital, the cost of treatment will increase.

Besides the factors mentioned above, some other things are also considered while calculating the cost, such as anesthesia fees, diagnostic tests, medications, dietician fees, post-surgery follow-up consultations, etc. These expenses will add up to the final cost of treatment at the patient’s end.

It will be better to ask the insurance company to get a claim against medically suggested weight-loss treatment.

Get Cost Estimate for Bariatric Surgery in Pune

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