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  • Treatment Type

    Medical Abortion

  • Treatment time

    48 hours

  • Hospitalization Days

    Same Day Discharge

  • Risk


  • Resume Work in

    2-3 days

  • Chances of Recurrence


What is the cost of Medical termination of pregnancy, or MTP in Gurgaon?

Medical termination of pregnancy, or MTP, is a method to end the pregnancy with the aid of medications. The cost of MTP in Gurgaon typically ranges from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 5,000. This, however, is a cost estimate, and the final cost is bound to differ. Several factors contribute to the cost of MTP in Gurgaon, including the term of the pregnancy, the cost of diagnostic tests, any pre-existing conditions the patient has, etc.

What is the cost of Medical termination of pregnancy, or MTP in Gurgaon?

Medical termination of pregnancy, or MTP, is a method to end the pregnancy with the aid of medications. The cost of MTP in Gurgaon typically ranges from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 5,000. This, however, is a cost estimate, and the final cost is bound to differ. Several factors contribute to the cost of MTP in Gurgaon, including the term of the pregnancy, the cost of diagnostic tests, any pre-existing conditions the patient has, etc.


What is MTP?

Medical Termination of Pregnancy, commonly referred to as MTP, is a method to end a pregnancy with the help of medication. It involves terminating the pregnancy without the need for surgery, using medicines. The patient receives a combination of two pills for medical termination of pregnancy- misoprostol and mifepristone. A medical termination of pregnancy is suggested for the termination of pregnancies that are still in their initial 10 weeks. The reasons why a woman may choose to undergo a medical termination of pregnancy are manifold. These reasons may involve a risk to the baby or mother's health, abnormalities of the fetus, or the mother's personal choice.

It is important for patients to get a medical termination of pregnancy performed under the supervision of a qualified and trained professional at a licensed clinic.

Factors That Affect MTP Cost In Gurgaon

Patients must know that the cost of MTP can be different for each person, depending on several factors. Hospitals and clinics look at these factors before giving an estimate of the treatment cost. Here are some common factors that can affect the cost of MTP in India:

  • Diagnostic tests and imaging: Before performing MTP, the doctors may perform some tests to determine the stage of the pregnancy and the overall health of the patient. Some commonly performed tests before an MTP include ultrasound and blood tests. The cost of these tests can also increase the total cost.
  • Pre-existing health conditions: If the patient has any pre-existing health conditions, the treatment costs may be higher.
  • Choice of hospital or clinic: The patient's decision on which hospital or clinic to go to for MTP can also affect the total cost. Hospitals or clinics with a good reputation typically charge higher.

Cost of Diagnostic Tests Before MTP

Some diagnostic tests are necessary before a Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP). The tests are performed to ascertain the pregnancy, determine the term of the pregnancy, and rule out any underlying health condition the woman may have. The cost of diagnostic tests also plays a significant role in determining the cost of MTP in Gurgaon. Some common diagnostic tests and assessments performed before MTP and their respective costs are as follows:

  • Pregnancy Confirmation: The doctor may perform a urine or blood test to confirm the presence of pregnancy and get an estimate regarding how far along the woman is in the pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound scan is performed to determine the gestational age of the fetus and to check for any abnormalities or ectopic pregnancy i.e., pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus.
  • Blood Tests: Blood tests are done to check the woman's blood type and Rh factor. This test is important to check if Rh-negative women would require Rh immunoglobulin to prevent complications in future pregnancies.

Insurance Coverage For MTP In Gurgaon

MTP procedures are usually not covered by health insurance because many women choose to have abortions for personal reasons rather than medical necessities. In such cases, women have to bear the entire cost of the MTP themselves and find other ways to manage the expenses. Health insurance policies do not cover medical termination of pregnancy under any circumstance.

However, it's important to know that surgical abortion procedures might be covered by insurance if they are performed as a medical necessity. In such cases, these procedures are usually included in both health insurance and mediclaim policies, especially when the pregnancy poses a risk to the mother or the child. The extent of coverage may vary depending on the specific policy and the terms set by the insurance provider.

It's essential to understand that health insurance policies and mediclaim policies may differ in the expenses they cover for an abortion. Health insurance policies generally offer more comprehensive coverage, while mediclaim policies typically cover only hospitalization expenses. To make the most of your policy benefits, it's advisable to carefully review your policy or contact your insurance provider before filing a claim.

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