Measles is Not Just a Red Rash!

Measles, also called as red measles or rubeola, is an extremely contagious viral infection that causes the child to suffer from flat red blotchy rashes (later turning brownish) spreading all over the body. It was commonly found in children aging 5 years and under before immunization. Besides, it was a reason for widespread child death in the past.

Fever, reddish eyes, running nose, and hacking cough are some of the usual symptoms of the disease. Inflammation of the brain, ear infection, and pneumonia could be the complications arising from untreated measles. However, most children do recover from the infection. Generally, the incubation period is of 10 days or more.


How to deal with measles?

At first, the child may get a feeling of ailing sickness due to the unpleasant nature of measles. You need to make an effort to alleviate distress and discomfort.

  • If your child possesses a high grade fever or temperature, you need to ensure that he/she gets enough rest
  • During high fever, there is a possibility that the child may lose water contents from the body. You could offer plenty of drinks during the day to keep up with the fluid levels
  • Occasionally, put on the fan and allow ventilation. Let your child be dressed in light clothing
  • If the child has cold and cough, you could offer him/her some warm drinks
  • Until the initial stages of infection and probably 4 days after the appearance of red rashes, the child is infectious. Preferably, do not allow him/her to attend school to avoid unnecessary spread of the disease. He/she could resume school if there are no further complications
  • Having a steamy bath, using a damp towel kept on a radiator, allowing moist and warm air, etc., are some of the effective DIYs that help to relieve air passages and discharge mucus


Are there any painkillers recommended?

Ibuprofen and paracetamol are home recommended painkillers that help to cut down fever and reduce uncomfortableness. These medicines are always available in different forms. You could seek advice from your local physician as to know which one suits your child better.


When to sense the urgency?

Fix an appointment with your doctor urgently if the child develops signs such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Severe breathing issues or cough
  • Excessive seizures and drowsiness or intense headache
  • Eye infection or ear pain


It is important that you child gets proper treatment at the right time to avoid further complications.

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