Are You Afraid of Cancer? Confirm It With These Tests!

Everyone would like to be in the ‘Top 5’ or ‘Top 10’ of things. Sadly, when it comes to diseases, nobody would like to rank them, even in the ‘Most deadly’ or ‘Highly morbid’ categories.

Being responsible for 13 percent or 8.2 million deaths worldwide, cancer bags the fifth position in the league of ‘Top 10 causes of death globally.’

Dismal figures color the sad picture of mortality due to cancer in India. With a total of 2.5 million Indians suffering from cancer, every 8 minutes a woman dies because of cervical cancer. Tobacco related diseases are alone responsible for 2,500 deaths daily. If 2 women are diagnosed of breast cancer, another woman would be dying because of it somewhere else.


For reference sake, let us see the ‘Top 10 causes of death globally’:

Ischemic heart disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Lower respiratory infections
Road-traffic accidents
Hypertensive heart disease

Now if we observe carefully, these diseases have one thing in common – THESE CAUSES ARE LIFESTYLE RELATED. As much as there is to feel bad about these health problems, the good news is that most of these are PREVENTABLE; be it with a healthy diet, regular exercise, maintaining safety, or with periodic health check-ups.

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Colonoscopy – Procedure, Preparation and Risks Involved

The colon in colloquial terms is our large intestine. The large intestine gets rid of the left over food after nutrients from it are absorbed. Waste products are then passed into the rectum. A healthy colon is as important as consuming healthy food. The colon is largely responsible for elimination of toxins and wastes from our body. Various treatments and tests come into the picture, when this organ is under-performing or is in a bad condition. what-is-colonoscopyColonoscopy is one such test for protecting your large intestine from tumors, polyps and cancerous growths. Read on to find out more about this important test.

What is a colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is a procedure performed by a doctor that helps him or her to inspect your colon which lies in the large intestine. It is a diagnostic test for finding causal factors behind tumors, loss of blood, inflammation, colon polyps and tumors in there. It is also used for screening to detect cancerous and precancerous polyps growing in colon, which can be further treated by colon cancer surgery. Continue reading “Colonoscopy – Procedure, Preparation and Risks Involved”