Is High Cholesterol Ruining Your Health and Happiness?

Cholesterol is the current buzzword ready to stir tension among people! There are many conceptions and misconceptions amongst people regarding cholesterol. But, how many people actually know that there is good and bad cholesterol and that the good one is needed to even out effects of bad one?

It is also wrongly believed that, kids cannot develop cholesterol problems. Wrong! They can develop cholesterol problems at as less an age as 8. For adults, the silver lining is that 1 in 3 adults having high cholesterol are able to keep it under check. high-cholesterol-and-health-problems

Read on to find out more about cholesterol, what happens if you have high cholesterol, ways to control it, tests to determine your cholesterol levels and much more: Continue reading “Is High Cholesterol Ruining Your Health and Happiness?”

Dental Braces: Safe and Easy Way to Beautify Your Smile!

Get rid of your dental woes with dental braces for a more confident you! A person’s smile is the first thing noticed among every other parameter of his personality. A smile is capable to improve an ordinary looking person’s appearance. However, not everyone is blessed with a neat set of pearly whites. There are people who feel the need of dental braces for teeth health and of course for their overall looks. There are hordes of people frequenting dentists and cosmetic surgeons for teeth enhancement. Everything boils down to spending lots of money on getting that perfect smile. dental braces treatment in India
But what if your doctor tells you that you need dental braces for correcting crooked or irregular teeth? Would you go for it? Reports suggest that people from royalty to less-than-famous people worldwide, are opting for dental braces to correct wrongly positioned teeth and also a crooked smile.  Continue reading “Dental Braces: Safe and Easy Way to Beautify Your Smile!”

Understanding Blood Pressure Abnormalities

Your heart is beating. Keeps on repeating. And that keeps you going. A slight variation from the old melody is something that conveys the greatest truth about life and death.

A beating heart suggests life and existence. On the other hand, an abnormal heart beat can mean anything; from a malfunctioning heart, to a diseased condition and even death. Cardiac or heart related disorders are seeing an exponential rise with every passing year. And perhaps in no time, India shall become the global capital of cardiac disorders. That’s pretty tragic and terrifying!

Blood Pressure - Cardiac Conditions

High blood pressure is one of the most common health conditions in India. Young adults, middle aged and elderly citizens, equally contribute to this growing population suffering from abnormal blood pressure levels. Despite this, people are not doing much to control such menacing escalation.

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What to Look for When Choosing a Hospital in India?

Rational thinking for decision making will always prove that if people are correctly informed, they will always choose things that are more inclined towards their personal interests. However, when it comes to deciding about some important aspects such as which hospital to choose for treatment, people somehow abandon common logic and become reliant of intuition for guiding decisions. How-to-choose-hospital-in-India Continue reading “What to Look for When Choosing a Hospital in India?”

Home Remedies for Back Ache

Chronic back ache is one of the most pressing problems that everyone from young adults to senior citizens is forced to deal with today. It is emerging as one of the common complaints; especially from people who work in India’s IT industry and spend more than ten hours a day before a screen. But though this is a worrisome illness, it is also one that is easily ignored and brushed aside. Here’s why that’s a bad idea.

Back Ache
Back Ache

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Eye Care Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read These 7 Tips

A report from the Times of India early this month announced that India will organize the largest eye care awareness campaign in Navi Mumbai. Called Nanhe Nayan, it will aim at checking the eye sight of close to 60,000 school children. Eye experts will be called in for the examination.


With the country paying attention to the needs of eye care, we decided to call for attention to the issue too. With our changes in lifestyle, sleeping patters, work environment and diet, the eye is suffering. You may not realize the importance of some of these things and the difference they make to your eye sight. But with every change, our eye is struggling to keep up. To help out, here is a list of things that change the way you look, literally.  Continue reading “Eye Care Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read These 7 Tips”

Lies And Damn Lies About Menstruation Myths

Every time you get your period, invariably there are a list of myths that circulate. Some of these age-old tales are passed down from your grandmothers and mothers. As strange as it is, we follow them dutifully. The truth of the matter is, most of these pieces of advice floating out there are myths. Here’s a list of the top ten myths that need to go away immediately. Period.

1. You can’t wash your hair during your cycle:

Almost every one of us must have been told not to wash our hair because it will not only increase your flow but increase your cramping. This is totally untrue. Do not neglect your personal hygiene under any circumstance. Go on washing your hair as regularly as before.

It's a myth that you can't wash your hair during your period
It’s a myth that you can’t wash your hair during your period

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Are You Really Taking Care of Your Teeth?

We all have been through the painfully long wait at the dentist’s office and the further painful session seated in the dentist chair. A visit to the dentist is never fun. Starting from having your teeth cleaned to a root canal, teeth and gums are the more sensitive parts of the human anatomy. And not to mention every trip burns a large hole in your wallet.

Today, because of the kind of lifestyles we lead with our vegan phases, liquid diets and fluctuation nutrition intake and green tea binge drinking, our teeth are bearing the brunt of our experiments. So it is possibly more important than ever to make dental hygiene a habit.Close-up of patient’s open mouth before oral checkup with mirror near by

Ironically, dental hygiene is also the easiest to take care of at home, but easily one of the most ignored. We bring you some important do’s and don’t’s for simple maintenance of dental hygiene.  Continue reading “Are You Really Taking Care of Your Teeth?”

Take Advantage of These 10 Healthiest Drinks – Be Healthy

After a long weekend of binge drinking with friends, a friend’s wedding or after a weekend getaway, here are the two words going through your mind: liquid diet. This trend of detoxing your body caught on a few years back. Having proved effective in providing sufficient hydration to the body, it strengthens your muscles and is much easier to execute than a regular diet with solid food.

Since we all have tried (and then some) this form of dietary nutrition, we thought of bringing you the drinks that are safe to binge on. Here’s a list of the top ten healthiest drinks in the world, and why your body can never have enough of them.liquid2 Continue reading “Take Advantage of These 10 Healthiest Drinks – Be Healthy”

Get Ready for Monsoon – Useful Tips for You

It is the time for monsoons. If you’re a rainy season person then you might be looking forward to tucking in with a hot cuppa while in bed as it thunders and storms outside or going for a long walk with the drizzle for company. But this change of weather brings with it a lot of cause for concern.

But before you slip into your rain wear and pick the next hike in the mountains, watch out for a few things. The monsoon looks like a fun season, but it brings with it the danger of a lot of diseases and health effects. There is a higher risk of allergies and infections and the spread of water-borne diseases is much higher. Also, since there is minimum sunlight, bacteria and viruses thrive in this weather, attacking our immune system.rain5

So just at the onset of the monsoons, we thought we would prepare a short checklist of things that you need to go through to make sure you’re weather ready. Right from your diet, clothing and exercise your routine would need to be modified slightly to accommodate the  season of the rains. Continue reading “Get Ready for Monsoon – Useful Tips for You”