Does She Hate Your Dark Lips?Here’s the Way to Overcome

Dark lips are a ‘no-no’ to every person – whether woman or man. Hormonal imbalance, smoking, immoderate sunlight exposure, tobacco chewing, allergic reaction, extreme caffeine consumption, use of cheap quality cosmetics, etc., are leading causes of having dark lips.

Instead of paying huge bucks to spas and buying high-priced cosmetics, try these home remedies to lighten your dark lip colorization.

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When Does a Doctor Order Thyroid Profile?

Thyroid profile incorporates a specific range of tests carried out to detect disorders related to thyroid gland and analyze its overall functioning. Traveling through the blood stream, thyroid hormones are basically chemical substances which control the body’s metabolism.

Let us know what Dr. Pratibha Karande has to unveil about this profile.

What is thyroid?

It is a gland present in the neck region. The main function of thyroid gland is to secrete hormones. There are two types of hormones secreted by the gland viz., T3 and T4.

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8 Foods to Burn Your Cellulite

Cellulite a.k.a adiposis edematosa and cottage cheese skin is a medical condition, though it sounds like a disorder, where some areas of the skin appears to possess subjacent fat deposits making them look lumpy, puckered, and dimpled. It usually appears on the buttocks and thigh regions and is most commonly found in females compared to males.

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Have you Checked Your Liver Function?

Liver function tests (LFTs) are specifically ordered to analyze the damage and inflammation of liver. This profile includes important tests such as ALT and AST, PT and INR, etc.

Dr. Pratibha Karande gives a vivid overview of LFTs. Watch it now!

What are liver function tests?

These are requisite tests carried out to evaluate the functioning of our liver. As we all know, liver is one of the main organs of our body. The liver principally does the work of secreting a number of chemicals in the blood. So when the liver function tests are conducted, the levels of these chemicals present in the blood are actually evaluated.

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Should I Go for HIV/AIDS Test?

HIV/AIDS is a serious concern in India which has taken and put a gigantic number of lives to stake. It could be contracted from having sex with an HIV infected person, sharing or injecting needles or drug equipment, or due to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Get to know the critical aspects of HIV/AIDS with medical professional Dr. Pratibha Karande.

What is HIV/AIDS test?

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) test is essentially carried out for the screening out of a disease called ‘AIDS’ (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).

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Why Do You Need Vitamin D3?

Did you know? Apart from thorough bone health, vitamin D3 also helps in fighting against depression and colds. Check what Dr. Pratibha Karande has to contribute towards your knowledge about the “sunshine vitamin”.

About Vitamin D3

If you see in today’s era, each and every doctor asks his patients – whether adults, children, or pediatric patients – to get the vitamin D3 testing done. It is indispensable that your body should contain normal levels of vitamin D3.

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