Manufacturer: Cipla Ltd
MRP: Rs. 79.50
Unit Price: Rs. 7.95
Package Price: Rs. 79.50 (Qty.: 10)
Package Form: Strip
Medicine Form: Tablet
What is Finpecia?
Finpecia is a medicine used for treatment of hair loss and baldness, exclusively in men. The medicine acts as an inhibitor to the hormone which stops hair growth over the scalp.
Composition of Finpecia:
The active ingredient of Finpecia is Finasteride, which is a steroid reductase inhibitor. Finasteride acts via the medium of other ingredients of Finpecia and exerts its therapeutic action on the scalp hair.
What is Finpecia Used For?
The therapeutic indications of Finpecia are as follows:
- Premature balding
- Receding hairline
- Scanty hair growth
Other hair related disorders which are not mentioned above can also be treated using Finpecia.
Side Effects of Finpecia:
Finpecia has properties to antagonize the effect of certain steroid based hormones. This suppressant effect of Finpecia could lead to some side effects in few cases. Some of the side effects have been mentioned below:
- Irritation of skin over the scalp
- Redness and itching of scalp
- Folliculitis over the scalp
Other symptoms of discomfort may also be experienced by patients, which have not been mentioned above. It is important to see a doctor immediately after experiencing any side effects to initiate prompt medical treatment.
Precautions for Finpecia Consumption:
Certain precautions are advised to patients who are on a course of Finpecia tablet. These precautions help in avoiding harmful drug reactions. Some of these precautions have been mentioned below:
- Finpecia is meant exclusively for consumption by male patients. Women and children are never prescribed this medicine.
- Pregnant women are advised to strictly stay away from Finpecia tablet as it may cause hormonal imbalance and lead to complications like miscarriage.
- Patients who are on a course of Finpecia tablet should use only that hair oil and hair shampoo which has been prescribed by a dermatologist.
- Patients should avoid any cosmetic hair treatment while on a course of Finpecia.
- Patients who have recently undergone, or are planning to undergo hair transplant, or weaving treatment, should inform their dermatologist before starting a course of Finpecia.
Patients should follow the above mentioned and any other precautions a dermatologist might have advised till the course of Finpecia is completed.
Finpecia Alternatives:
Other drugs which resemble Finpecia in drug action and chemical composition can be used as an alternative to it. Some of these drugs have been listed below:
- Finalo Tablet
- Curlzfin Tablet
- Finap Tablet
The above mentioned medicines will also help in stimulating hair growth over the scalp. However, they should not be used as a substitute to Finpecia unless a dermatologist has prescribed it.
Finpecia FAQs:
- Why is Finpecia not advisable for use in female patients?
Finpecia alters the normal hormonal cycle by suppressing the action of a specific male hormone in the blood stream of patients. Using Finpecia will lead to unnecessary hormonal imbalance in females and hence the medicine is not advised. - Which hair related conditions do not respond to treatment with Finpecia?
Finpecia fails to stimulate hair growth if hair follicles are completely absent in a particular area of the scalp.