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Hytrin 1mg Tablet

Name: Hytrin 1mg Tablet
Manufacturer: Abbott India Ltd
MRP: Rs. 150.63
Unit Price: Rs. 13.70
Package Price: Rs. 137.00 (Qty.: 10)
Package Form: strip
Medicine Form: tablet

What is Hytrin?

Hytrin is a drug which acts on the muscles and reduces their tone. This property is very helpful in treatment of certain health disorders.

Composition of Hytrin:

The active ingredient of Hytrin is Terazosin which is an alpha blocker. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles of blood vessels and the urinary system. Terazosin acts through the medium of inactive ingredients that do not interfere with the therapeutic action of the drug.

What is Hytrin Used for?

The therapeutic indications of Hytrin are mentioned below:

  • Hypertension
  • Benign hyperplasia of prostate gland

Disorders other than those mentioned above may also be treated using Hytrin. The medicine should be taken only when advised by a physician. There could be serious repercussions if the medicine is taken without any indications.

Side Effects of Hytrin:

Hytrin exerts its therapeutic effect by reducing muscle tone of blood vessels. Due to this property, the drug could also have harmful effects if consumed without any indication or if consumed wrongly. Some of the common side effects of Hytrin have been mentioned below:

  • Hypotension
  • Dizziness
  • Increased perspiration
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Palpitations

Apart from these, there could be other side effects associated with Hytrin. If patients experience any discomfort after consumption of Hytrin, they should inform their doctor about it immediately.

Precautions for Hytrin Consumption:

Patients who are on a course of Hytrin should follow certain instructions in order to ensure that the medicine acts well. Some of the instructions are given below:

  • Alcohol consumption should be avoided while on a course of Hytrin. Alcohol tends to enhance the side effects of the medicine.
  • Hytrin is not meant for consumption in small children and therefore should be kept out of their reach.
  • Patients who are scheduled to undergo any eye surgery should not take Hytrin unless prescribed by the physician.
  • Patients with active liver disorders or history of liver dysfunction should consume Hytrin with great precaution.
  • Patients who have a tendency to develop low blood pressure should not consume Hytrin.

It is imperative that all of the above mentioned and other instructions provided by doctors should be followed. It helps in maximizing the therapeutic effect of Hytrin and avoiding any harmful effects.

Hytrin Alternatives:

Names of drugs which have similar chemical composition and therapeutic action to Hytrin are mentioned below:

  • Terapress 1mg Tablet
  • Terakare 1mg Tablet
  • Teradip 1mg Tablet
  • Teralfa 1 mg Tablet

These drugs should not be used in place of Hytrin unless advised by a physician.

Hytrin FAQs:

  • Can Hytrin be consumed during pregnancy?
    Hytrin is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women, as it tends to affect the blood vessels supplying the uterus. Mothers who are breast feeding their babies should also refrain from using this drug as it can pass through breast milk.

  • Why are substitute drugs required for Hytrin?
    Substitutes for Hytrin may be needed if it is causing side effects to the patient, or is unsuitable due to any reason.