Manufacturer: Reckitt Benckiser
MRP: Rs. 150.00
Unit Price: Rs. 15.00
Package Price: Rs. 150.00 (Qty.: 10)
Package Form: strip
Medicine Form: tablet
What is Mucinex?
Mucinex is a drug which is helpful in loosening and throwing out cough and mucus from the lungs. The drug is used in various respiratory disorders associated with mucus formation.
Composition of Mucinex:
The active component of Mucinex is Guaifenesin. It acts via the medium of other inactive components of Mucinex and does not interfere with drug action.
What is Mucinex Used for?
Mucinex is indicated in the following health conditions:
- Chronic bronchitis
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Emphysema
- Bronchiectasis
- After treatment of T.B.
Other lung disorders which have not been mentioned above, may also respond well to treatment by Mucinex.
Side Effects of Mucinex:
Mucinex tends to develop the following side effects in some cases:
- Itching in the throat
- Dryness of throat
- Nausea and vomiting
- Digestive troubles
- Allergic reaction to the medicine could cause redness and itching of skin
Every patient using Mucinex does not develop each of the above mentioned side effects. However, it is imperative to stop the medicine and contact a doctor immediately, should any side effects occur.
Precautions for Mucinex Consumption:
Patients who are on a course of Mucinex are usually asked to follow some restrictions while consuming the medicine. Some of these restrictions are mentioned below:
- Mucinex tablet should only be used when it has been prescribed by a chest physician.
- The dosage of Mucinex for kids should be kept very less in comparison to what is used for adults.
- Mucinex should not be given to patients suffering from dry cough.
- It is advisable to take a dose of Mucinex after meals in order to avoid hyperacidity.
- Patients who are on a course of Mucinex should avoid smoking cigarettes or using tobacco in any other form.
Other instructions about usage of Mucinex tablet may also be given to patients. It is advisable to follow all instructions in order to avoid harmful drug reactions.
Mucinex Alternatives:
Information about other drugs having chemical composition and therapeutic effect to Mucinex is not available.
Mucinex FAQs:
- What is the alternative for patients who cannot swallow Mucinex tablet?
Pediatric patients, elderly patients, patients who are having pain in the throat, often are unable to swallow medicine tablets. For convenience of such patients, Mucinex syrup is also available. Dosage of the syrup should be followed as per prescription only. - Is Mucinex capable of treating lung infections?
Mucinex will help in loosening and expelling mucus out of the lungs. However, it does not have any therapeutic action on infections. Separate medication is required for complete cure of the infection.